Chapter 45- Only Love Can Hurt Like This

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Duluth || Two Months Later...


I tell myself that her distance doesn't mean what I think it means.

Her hold on my heart has no boundaries, I would do anything for her, and I have. She has been at peace with what happened for a few weeks now and has been opening up. Not to me, but to Kylie.

We argued more than a few times about how everything went down and she was bottling up all of her emotions. She doesn't talk to me unless it is something other than her abilities or the entity.

Lately, Sarah has been going to bed early staying in our room, waking up early in the morning before anyone else goes out for coffee, and staying inside ignoring us all. Her distance has put all of us on edge not really knowing what comes next.

I crumble at the thought of her losing herself again. The damage done to herself was comparable, she is still getting over the fact she killed her brother.

Not caring for her mental health is something I try not to dwell on. My mental health is just as important, but I feel bad for not doing more with her.

However, without her touch, I feel as if I could die. Her slow movements to avoid me in bed, the couch, and even the car brushing my shoulders make me worry. The heartache will be there for a long time, but I need to get over it.

Belle has been a great friend to me since that night. She was there when Sarah and I were living in a car, battling with Hector, at the hospital, and when I was arrested in Texas.

We have been discussing the future plan together and making it so we can all survive this together. Belle understands my reasonings and the control I have over Sarah. She also tends to rationale Sarah's feelings about all of this shit.

Belle and Kylie found an apartment for rent in South Dakota.

The four of us were living out of Belle's car for a little bit. It isn't big by any means, so it was invading, to say the least. We then upgraded to a minivan with more room for our stuff and the places where we would sleep.

Three weeks ago, we landed a good place at a motel, but since we are in Minnesota's most known city... Duluth, we are strapping for cash.

Kylie and Belle found a job at a local coffee shop and I have been selling weed. Mm, I know. I shouldn't be doing that shit and how quickly could I be doing this is alarming.

I love weed, I love smoking it, eating it, and drinking it. However, I keep an eye on Sarah during the day while the other two work, and then I sell at night. More in the city area is where I do the best, but sometimes I venture out if it is necessary.

Interestingly enough, there was one night that I was craving a high, it was after a three-hour-long fight with Sarah. I needed something to calm my nerves and I was out of cigs, so I went into town looking for some. I came across this guy smoking and asked if I could take a hit, he said sure.

Turns out, he samples to people and then sells to them. I asked for an in and he gave me one. Now I sell his shit in the parts he doesn't want to sell to.

I step out of the shower grab a towel placing it around my waist, the water trickles from the shower head and hits the floor when I turn the water off. The hotel tree oil scent is making a dull impression on me, Belle said she would get other stuff from the store when she gets off work.

She should be back soon with Kylie in tow.

There is a knock on the door, "I have the shampoo and conditioner for you."

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