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The big yellow dog tied to the door barked barkingly, and the sparrow perched on the tree flew away.

The alley is getting more and more remote. It is said that the smell of wine is not afraid of the deep alley, there is no smell of wine here, only a few tables and a few plastic stools are opened. Cigarette butts were thrown randomly on the ground, and several shirtless men dribbled between their teeth while driving beer. They could smell sweat when they got close.

As soon as Xie Chian stepped into this place, he attracted the attention of a group of people. Usually no strangers will come to this place, let alone such a handsome baby.

The woman who was standing in front of the washing tank scrubbing clothes looked back and asked loudly, "Young man! Who are you looking for?"

Xie Chian said: "I'm looking for Huang Chenglong's grandma."

Xie Chian only knew that Huang Chenglong's family lived in the old city, but did not know where it was. The last time he saw Huang Chenglong's grandma, it was at the gate of the old city, under the trash-piled telegraph pole.

At that time, he went to a restaurant to consume after school and met Huang Chenglong working in the restaurant. The two had some friendship at school at that time. Huang Chenglong was not uncomfortable when seeing him, and greeted him warmly. When he finished eating, Huang Chenglong just got off work, and asked Xie Chian if he wanted to be a guest at home.

Xie Chian said yes.

Huang Chenglong was taken aback and suddenly became embarrassed. According to his assumptions, he thought Xie Chian would not go. After all, those who can afford high-end restaurants...the family must be rich.

Then Huang Chenglong took Xie Chian around most of Dongyang City, and arrived in the old city in a seven-turned bus. It was already dark at that time, and Xie Chian saw a rickety old man standing far away, standing under a telephone pole. He didn't know how long he had been standing.

"My grandma is waiting for me!" Huang Chenglong ran to his grandma with a big schoolbag, turned around and waved to Xie Chian halfway, "Xie brother, it's too late today, I won't invite you home as a guest. "In fact, the main reason is... His place is too shabby.

That was the first time Xie Chian went to the old town.

Only then did he truly understand that not everyone in this world is rich. Different people lead different lives, some are very happy, some are very miserable.

But happiness does not seem to be measurable only by money. Situ Yue is rich, but not happy. Tong Yihui is very poor, but he is content. Feng Ming tolerated the perversion in the misfortune and darkness, and Huang Chenglong and his grandmother depended on each other until now.

There are many different forms of life.


"Huang Chenglong? We don't have a person named Huang Chenglong here. The only family with the surname Huang died early, leaving an old lady there, living alone for many years." The woman said.

Xie Chian was silent, and then realized that Huang Chenglong's existence had also been forgotten.

"Where is the grandma who lives alone?" Xie Chian asked.

The woman pointed her hand: "Here, that's the innermost one."

Xie Chian walked inside.

The entrance is a very low wooden house, it is really short, the lintel is so low that Xie Chian needs to bend over to get in.

Xie Chian knocked on the door: "Grandma?"

The old man lying on the wicker chair and squinting for a while opened his eyes: "Who? Is Longlong back?"

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