『Chapter 33』 ⷶ ͬ ͨ³

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When Ji Lingchuan woke up in a strange rental room, he still couldn't believe it.

Isn't he dead? Died in that demon's laboratory...

He saw the calendar on the bedside, February 1, 2017. He returned more than a month ago.

How is this going?

Ji Lingchuan feels that this world is a little bit fantasy, did he have a dream? He wanted to go to the bathroom to wash and calm his face, but he was taken aback when he saw the face in the mirror.

That face... can still be seen vaguely as his face, but it is covered with rashes of all sizes, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Ji Lingchuan decided to go to the hospital to take a look, and reminded the doctor named Ji Lingchuan in the hospital that he was in danger. In Ji Lingchuan's knowledge, he himself was Zheng Yangfan. He was drained of blood by Dr. Kang in the laboratory in his previous life. At the same time, there was another person who exchanged hearts with him called Ji Lingchuan (that is, the real Zheng Yangfan). Ji Lingchuan also regarded him as a victim and wanted him to escape from the poisonous hand in this world.

Ji Lingchuan covered his face and entered the hospital. As a rash on his face, he went to the dermatology department first.

"Name?" the doctor asked.

"Zheng Yangfan." Ji Lingchuan replied.

The doctor smiled: "The same name as our dean's son. Take off your mask and let me see what's going on."

I am the dean's son. Ji Lingchuan read silently.

Ji Lingchuan hesitated to take off the mask. When the doctor saw that his face was full of rashes, his complexion changed, and he muttered, "Another one. Several of these symptoms have appeared recently..."

"Doctor, what is my disease?" Ji Lingchuan asked nervously.

The doctor said: "A new type of disease, which is contagious, initially called it a virus X infectious disease. It is recommended that you be hospitalized."

When the doctor said this, he looked at Ji Lingchuan more. Because he discovered that this patient named Zheng Yangfan looked a bit like his colleague Ji Lingchuan, but because the patient's appearance was damaged, he was not sure, so he didn't say much. Normal people would not stare at this face carefully.

Ji Lingchuan: "...well."

As a result, a patient named Zheng Yangfan was admitted to bed 1 in Ward 409 of the inpatient department.

After coming out of the dermatology department, Ji Lingchuan put on the mask again and decided to go to the doctor named Ji Lingchuan.

Ji Lingchuan in this time and space is still a doctor who has made little achievements in the field of blood research, and he is well-known in the hospital. Ji Lingchuan soon found him in the Hematology Office. When he saw that person, Ji Lingchuan was stunned.

Because Dr. Ji looks exactly like him.

In Ji Lingchuan's cognition, Dr. Ji should be like Zheng Yangfan.

Ji Lingchuan began to doubt life. He began to wonder if he was the future Doctor Ji, or how to explain that they looked the same. But he... is obviously Zheng Yangfan.

He tried to talk with Dr. Ji and found that Dr. Ji knew nothing about the dangers that would happen in the future. He wanted to remind Dr. Ji, but was treated as a joke by the other party. In desperation, he took off his mask and said, "Don't you think I look a lot like you? Don't you believe that I came back from the future to remind you?"

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