『Chapter 21』 ⷶ ͬ ͨ³

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Facts have proved that, with the exception of Chen Fubai, who has a lucky card bonus, it is impossible for others to find Doctor J quickly while being chased.

At least Xie Chian and the others listened to the broadcast all night, and the prescription order location was constantly shifting and changing, but it was not updated.

The ten-minute broadcast was very noisy. Ji Qinglin fell asleep deeply, Bai Buran couldn't hear it, and the others didn't sleep too deep.

Xie Chian was basically sober all the way, just closing his eyes and resting.

In the first half of the night, because the person who got the prescription used the elevator, there was no movement in the corridor on the third floor. The soundproofing of the hospital is quite good, and the sound of footsteps upstairs and downstairs cannot be heard in the office. In the second half of the night, the place of the prescription order was basically set in the inpatient department, and the whole clinic building was silent.

Only the noisy broadcast tone sounded on time every ten minutes.

Regarding the teammate that Shen Fu Bai Gang said, several people have kept an eye on them, but no one plans to look for it now.

If you can find it, you can say otherwise, can you kill it if you find it? No need.

Now that there are so many prescriptions left, they will not kill people easily until they are desperate. Besides, to restore health so early, you have to endure starvation and want to sleep, and you have to be someone else's hunting target. People with brains will not do this.

Although the teammate who Shen Fubai didn't seem to have a brain, he shouldn't be so stupid.

So don't worry.

The dense night engulfed this space, and even gentle breathing could be heard in the silence. Until dawn broke, the content of the broadcast that has remained unchanged for thousands of years was finally updated: "The prescription list has been refreshed 5 times. The current prescription list location is in Obstetrics and Gynecology."

It refreshed again.

There are a total of ten prescription sheets, and five have now been used. The healthy ones were Wang Xiaoran, Jiang Kuo, and Ji Qinglin, and the other two were used by players.

The player is not from the perspective of God. Naturally, he didn't know that a prescription was wasted by the eagle hook nose group, and no one cured it.

But this broadcast still awakened people in their sleep.

There are only five prescription sheets left.

The players who don't know the hidden rules are undoubtedly very nervous. Some of them stayed up all night and chased the prescription sheet all night. Although the patient does not need sleep, how can he participate in the next chase if he is not in a good state?

The early morning sun shines warmly into the windows and through the corridors, and the faint light penetrates into the office and reaches Xie Chian's feet.

Jiang Kuo, who was sleeping with his head low, felt the warmth of his body, and suddenly he lifted his body from the chair and pulled the curtains up.

The room darkened instantly.

Shen Fu Bai, who happened to be by the window, subconsciously said, "Thank you."

Jiang Kuo looked back, his expression seemed slightly confused, and he suddenly said, "Oh, if you forget you are also afraid of light."

Shen Fu smiled whitely: "...I thank you so much."

Wang Xiaoran suddenly said in horror: "Brother, your hands--"

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