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When two figures in the northern part of the island embraced and fell, when they fell into the sea and caused huge splashes of water, a thunder in the sky covered the sound of the waves.

The heavy rain turned into torrential rain.

The umbrella was blown away by the strong wind, Xie Chian turned his head, and a few traces of rain hit his face, refreshing.

One hand gripped the handle of the umbrella and wiped Xie Chi'an's hand. Jiang Kuo said, "I'll support it."

Xie Chian put his hands down without any objection, leaned on a large rock, and watched the heavier and heavier rain: "Can they really succeed?"

"Maybe..." Jiang Kuo heard the broadcast as soon as he spoke.

"Player 5 is dead."

"Player 7 is dead."

There is no news of No. 2's death.

"..." Jiang Kuo's expression moved slightly, "it seems to be a failure."

Xie Chian looked at the black umbrella left by Li Weihua, his expression unchanged, but his fingers shrank and his lower eyelashes concealed his emotions.

Jiang Kuo knew he was sad.

Xie Chi'an will be sad if anyone who has good intentions towards him dies.

"They have tried their best." Jiang Kuo said, "The gun of No. 2 is simply a bug."

"Bug?" Xie Chian shook his head, "Not necessarily. But in a level game, there is such a god-level weapon, which destroys the balance of the game too much. When a player is so lucky, other players will experience extremely poor gaming experience. , Which makes the game unplayable. Generally, no game designer does this."

Jiang Kuo said: "But the designer of this escape game is obviously not an ordinary person."

"Similar tunes with the same work." Xie Chian said, "The organizer is a person who pays great attention to the rules of the game. Otherwise, it would be fine to wipe us out with its ability. Why bother to design a game. And a game, fairness Most importantly. Absolute fairness is not required, at least there can be no such a situation where the balance is completely tilted."

Jiang Kuo understood: "You mean--"

Xie Chi'an turned his head to look at him: "Let's take a gamble, there must be weapons to contend with on the island. If No. 2 gets an offensive weapon, there will be corresponding defensive weapons to restrain it."

"Defensive weapons?" Jiang Kuo raised his eyebrows.

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Black umbrella."


Suddenly the two of them had a meal at the same time, and then looked at the umbrella above their heads with complex expressions.

If this umbrella is really a weapon to restrain the gun... then the group of No. 5 and No. 7 would be too wrong.

Xie Chian only knows that this umbrella has a defensive function, it can block knives and arrows and sticks, and can also do his job to block rain, but he never thought about whether it can block bullets. After all, the first reaction of normal people when they see a bullet is to hide with their bodies instead of standing in place with an umbrella to block them.

Who would experiment with his life?

It has been raining these days, this umbrella has been completely reduced to a rain umbrella, how can I think that this is still a weapon...

Xie Chian took the umbrella over and faced Jiang Kuo: "Attack."

Without Xie Chian, Jiang Kuo also understood what he meant, and the dagger in his hand pierced toward the umbrella surface with an eight-point effort.

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