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"Can you tell me the area of ​​your face is as small as your face!" Li Weihua exploded and his hands were handcuffed. He stretched his leg and kicked it over with a shoe. If one was not enough, he kicked the second one.

Qin Nian quickly wrapped his hands around his waist and lifted the person to his army boots so as not to step on the wet grass.

Charles easily avoided the two shoes: "Okay, anyway, I have finished saying what I should say, and the next time is left for the two of you." Before the words fell, Charles left the place very quickly and disappeared in the woods. .

To be a man for Charles's sake, killing can no longer bring him pleasure. He prefers to watch good scenes, a drama between police and criminals.

It's a pity that those two are more tricky. He can't watch from the beginning to the end. It doesn't matter, he has already created the prospects. Let them play the rest.

The rain was still pattering, and there was no intention to stop.

Li Weihua stepped on Qin Nian's boots, almost looking at him.

Li Weihua don't open your eyes: "Well, Mr. Police, can you put me down, I'm going to pick up shoes."

Qin Nian didn't let it go: "What he said..." He originally wanted to ask Charles if what he said was true. Halfway through, he found it unnecessary, so why should Charles use this to lie to him.

So he changed his mouth halfway: "Why?"

"The sense of justice is at fault." Li Weihua casually said, "In fact, when I was a child, I wanted to be a policeman. I didn't expect to become a criminal first, so I can only enjoy it in this way."

Qin Nian looked down at the young man's erratic expression, his expression was complicated, he wanted to ask a lot, but he couldn't say anything, his throat was blocked, and it hurt.

He whispered: "Does it still hurt?"

Seventy-two hours of electric shock, 38 knives, all under the leg bones were broken, and overdose was injected. It sounds terrible.

What an irreversible injury to the body, and how painful it should be when it is endured.

The youth endured so much for him, but he didn't say a word, and he could even laugh so slyly and harmlessly.


Li Weihua turned his head, blinked, and smiled: "It's okay. I'm lucky. The game started shortly after the guy Charles left. It's just that...I dizzy and didn't hear the broadcast. Then I killed them. After clearing the game, the game is full of blood and resurrected, without any sequelae...well."

The dark brown eyes widened slightly.

The **** umbrella fell on the grass. The man and his handcuffed around his waist, forcing Li Weihua's right hand to be behind his back, with nowhere to put his left hand. Qin Nian grabbed the young man's chin with his other hand and lifted it slightly.

They are kissing in the rain.


Xie Chian said: "Let's go out."

Jiang Kuo's face didn't change his color: "It's raining heavily outside. We can rest for a few more days."

Xie Chian: "...Don't make trouble." The sound of rain outside is almost inaudible.

They have been in the cave for five days, with ten days of play time remaining. On such a big island, it would be hard to find seven other people. Xie Chi'an didn't want to be completely wiped out because people weren't dead, and he would not pin his hopes on other people.

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