68 1 0

A dense rain curtain fell along the umbrella and wet the ground. Two slender hands under the umbrella were handcuffed together by silver handcuffs, forcing them to get close.

Qin Nian held the black umbrella in one hand and Li Weihua in the other, walking across the uneven hillside.

Military boots stepped on the grass, the voice was very clear.

Li Weihua followed him and whispered: "Mr. Police, can you untie the handcuffs? It's so inconvenient. If you encounter an emergency, you can't fight back..."

Qin Nian was indifferent: "The last time I let you go, you killed No.6."

"Mr. Police, it's all here, you still want to not kill, is it possible?" Li Weihua pouted.

"Killing No.6 is no problem." Qin Nian suddenly raised his hand, and Li Weihua's hand handcuffed to the other end was forced to lift up. There was a **** wound on his thin wrist.

Qin Nian stared at the scar, "This trick of hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred is so bad that I can't see it."

Li Weihua smiled: "Mr. Police, are you caring about me?"

Qin Nian put his hand down coldly: "You feel too good about yourself."

Li Weihua smiled more brilliantly: "Mr. Police's duplicity is too cute."

Qin Nian's hand clenched into a fist and tightened.

"Speaking of which, I didn't see the bodies of those two people, it would never have been buried in the sea." Li Weihua said casually.

After they heard the gunfire leaving that day, they turned back the next day. There were many dead bodies on the ground, which was one less than the death toll reported the day before the broadcast-there was a woman who died in the sea.

Of course, they also heard the news of the offline of No. 10 and No. 73. Li Weihua had seen Bai Buran on the first day of the game, so Xie Chian and the others were lucky to leave the group.

Li Weihua didn't believe that either Jiang Kuo or Xie Chian would drown--even though Xie Chian almost drowned.

"You said, what number will they be? If they can escape from No. 2, I will applaud them." Li Weihua exclaimed.

"0, 1, 3, 8, 17." Qin Nian said, "It is always two of the five."

There are currently 9 surviving people. No. 2 is the madman, No. 4 has already been met, and No. 5 and No. 7 are them. The remaining five numbers are only.

Now there are only so few people left on the island. Combining the information that each person has and then using the elimination method, it is easy to know what number each person is. No. 0 will not be hidden for long.

But to be honest, for this point, No. 0 is nothing special. The identity of No. 0 is only the most attractive in the early game.

"I prefer 0 and 1." Li Weihua said.

Qin Nian: "How can you see it?"

Li Weihua: "They look like 0 and 1."

Qin Nian: "...?"

"Mr. Innocent Police." Li Weihua sighed, "Where is your address? I will send you a few books when I get back."

Qin Nian: "Do you think I will tell you my private address?" Tell a criminal? He is not crazy, he is afraid that Li Weihua will send him a regular bomb.

"The trust between people is really fragile." Li Weihua was heartbroken.

Qin Nian was walking, but suddenly stopped.

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