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November 3, the 11th day of the game.

Xie Chian and Jiang Kuo had a rest for the night, ready to officially start work.

When the two of them team up, they are destined to only kill everyone. There is no such thing as No. 0. Xie Chian cannot commit suicide, and Jiang Kuo cannot kill Xie Chian.

That being the case, being passive is not enough. They cannot always count on others.

"Currently there are 45 people alive, if you remove us, there are still 43..." Jiang Kuo didn't finish speaking, and the broadcast said again: "Player 57 is dead."

Jiang Kuo paused for a second, then changed his words: "Now there are 42 people."

Xie Chian didn't speak, lowered his head and quietly looked at the short sword and short spear in his hand, a sharp cold light was reflected in his eyes.

He really doesn't like this "job", but there is no way, everything is for life.

No, it should be said to be survival.

Survival is always more difficult than life.

The island is so big, people don't say that they can meet it. The two swayed all morning, but no shadow was seen.

In the afternoon they ran into two people in the woods.

The two men were estimated to be low rankings, and they ran when they saw someone. Xie Chian was out of the sheath and harvested a head in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the other person hurriedly turned around and stumbled a few steps away. Jiang Kuo bent his bow and set an arrow in place, loosened his slender fingers and hit the man's heart with an arrow.

"Player 53 is dead."

"Player 56 is dead."

This is the first time Xie Chian has seen Jiang Kuo murder with his own eyes. Standing behind Jiang Kuo's right, he couldn't see Jiang Kuo's expression. He could only see the well-knotted hand holding the bow and arrow and letting it go decisively without shaking.

Very beautiful arrow technique.

After all, this is a person who can blow up a building without hesitation, and he can afford it with a cruel heart. He was accustomed to Jiang Kuo's softheartedness, and he forgot what No. 1 should look like.


Why is it different for him alone.

Jiang Kuo turned around and found Xie Chi'an watching him, and smiled, "You think I'm so handsome?"

"Your arrow is so good." Xie Chian said, "Why didn't you shoot me that day?"

This is slightly ambiguous, but Xie Chian used a serious tone. Young people have a low voice and a weak expression, so they don't think too much about it.

But Jiang Kuo is not human.

Jiang Kuo instantly thought that that night the boy cleverly held the coconut to wet his lips, and when he was reminded, he looked up blankly, half-closed his eyes and unconsciously licked the milky white corners of his lips. It's like a lure...Bah, it's a cub.

A lovable cub.

Where is Jiang Kuo?

Jiang Kuo is a beast.

Jiang Qimon blurted out: "I don't want to shoot with an arrow."

Xie Chi'an looked slightly startled: "...what?"

I don't want to use arrows...what do you use Is there something wrong with this answer?

This bad conversation.

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