𝑨𝑹𝑪 4 - 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑮𝑼𝑬 (114)

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Xie Chian woke up from a bed this time.

It's not a **** and terrifying campus, it's not a deserted island, or an abandoned old hospital. This is a bedroom with a small layout. He lies on a small soft bed, opposite the desk and the windowsill. The whole space is reassuring and comfortable.

But being in an unfamiliar environment is the biggest worry.

Xie Chian lowered his head and glanced at his body: "..."

This **** seems to be a woman's body, still wearing a school uniform and plaid skirt.


Xie Chian thought of these four words instantly.

Xie Chian stared at his short fingers and long black hair that fell to his chest for two seconds, calmly accepting the facts.

Isn't it **** transfer? What a big deal.

Brother Xie is fearless.

When Xie Chian got out of bed, he immediately felt that his line of sight was wrong, and the visual distance from the ground was much closer than usual.

Yes, the height has shrunk.

Xie Chian walked to the desk and opened the curtains to take a look. It was pitch black outside.

It is not the black of the night, but the pure black of nothing.

The window cannot be opened.

It seems that the game map this time is in this house, and beyond the boundaries.

Xie Chian closed the curtains again and went to look at the things on the desk.


There is an envelope on the desk, placed in a prominent place. Xie Chian opened the envelope with two pieces of paper inside.

Your name is Cui Jinse, the daughter of the richest man in City A, with a gentle and innocent personality. You are 17 years old this year. Your dream is to become an actor. You have an older brother named Cui Jinnian. Your 17 years of life have been happily and steadily. Until this afternoon, you were stunned by anesthesia on the way home from school, and you were in this room after you woke up.

This is personal identification information.

Xie Chian now owns this body, but he has no memory of this body. The few sentences on this note are the only clues at present.

The other piece of paper only has two simple words written on it.

Not guilty.


"Zone 0003, the fourth level of the escape game:

There are 8 players in this game.

Game map, villa.

The rules of the game, 8 people were kidnapped into a closed villa, the kidnappers want to organize a killing game for them.

Seven people correspond to one of the seven deadly sins, and one is not guilty.

Everyone has a piece of paper on hand. The black text on the front is your crime, and the red text on the back is the crime of the person you want to kill.

Everyone has at most two chances to kill, and if the two chances are used up and the correct charge is not killed, they will be out.

If the crime you want to kill has been killed by mistake, then kill the murderer instead. If the murderer is killed, the next murderer will be killed, and so on.

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