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Without the umbrella, the rain quickly wet Li Weihua's soft silver hair. Qin Nian took off his long windbreaker and put it on Li Weihua, which was a gray turtleneck sweater.

They returned to China from the UK, and they didn't seem to wear the same season as the others.

They all understand that in reality, there is no way to prepare for Charles, who is armed with many weapons. It is too difficult for the island to kill Charles, who has weapons against the sky.

The same is the best ending, and it is also possible for them to die in Charles's hands.

Before, Qin Nian and Li Weihua played against Charles on the island. Two-on-one, not counting the interference of the gun, they are not much different from Charles's force. But every time they were about to cause harm to Charles, Charles could always avoid it with all kinds of luck, just as if they were hanging up.

Of course Qin Nian and Li Weihua didn't know the existence of such things as lucky cards, after all, their first level clearance reward was not this.

Now they are determined to die.

But before death, there are always things to ask clearly.

"Mr. Policeman, we have known each other for five or six years." Li Weihua asked, "When did you like me?"

Qin Nian asked, "How about you?"

"I asked first, Mr. Police."

"It's better to be like this." Qin Nian said, "One question and one answer, exchange."

They all want to ask too much.

"it is good."

Qin Nian answered the first question: "From the moment you kill all the scumbags of the society, you start to appreciate, from the wonderful puzzles you leave behind, you are amazed by the tacit understanding from every well-matched duel, maybe... from resonance to Be in love for a long time. It's your turn."

"I wanted to be a policeman since I was a child." Li Weihua said, "Mr. Policeman, you are just, brave and smart, and you have satisfied all my illusions about the police. We are in good time, aren't we?"

"...Then why would you kill?"

"This is counterproductive." Li Weihua said nonchalantly like telling other people's stories. "A very cliché story. I have a scum father who is addicted to gambling, drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, and a beautiful I am weak except for a Chinese mother who knows nothing but crying. But I love her. I am the product of a rape. Do you understand that?"

Qin Nian's expression changed slightly.

"He often beats me and my mother." Li Weihua thought for a while, "then he killed my mother, but there was no capital punishment in the UK, so I killed him. That was my first murder and I became a criminal. "

"Later I felt that for families with children, every time I kill one more scumbag, one less criminal like me and one more normal person. They can become doctors, nurses, lawyers, police... ...But it won't be a criminal like me." Li Weihua smiled lightly, "I once killed a man who was the father of a child. Of course he was not a good father. I asked the child to turn around, but he must Look at me, watch me kill his father. Then the kid said to me, thank you."

"Thank you." Li Weihua shrugged, "I was thinking, if in my childhood, when that man was violent at my mother, someone suddenly broke into my house and killed him, I would definitely say thank you to the murderer. Yes. Then I can try to be a policeman instead of... a murderer. But I can't expect that, it will always affect an innocent person, so I'll do it myself. In fact... I don't do it. No one will come to help me either."

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