『Chapter 19』 ⷶ ͬ ͨ³

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I am Z! ! !

Several people stared at the last sentence on the screen, and there was a chill behind them inexplicably.

What does it mean? Doctor J is Z? Then who is the infectious disease patient who is chasing healthy people all over the world?

This is...too subversive.

Others were still immersed in the shock caused by the last sentence, Jiang Kuo had already rolled the mouse back.

"The amount of information is a little bit bigger." Jiang Kuo sighed quickly, scanning between the lines.

Ji Qinglin: "...It's quite big."

The fact that J is Z can't be digested for a while, and he is puzzled.

But Ji Qinglin felt that the amount of information he saw might not be at the same level as the amount of information Jiang Kuo Xie Chi An saw.

Jiang Kuo scrolled the screen back to the top, and began to analyze from the earliest record on April 22.

The mouse stopped at the sentence "Those people have gone crazy for fame and wealth, and they have completely ignored their lives." Jiang Kuo said: "The senior management of this hospital and Dr. K-from below, it should be Dr. Kang- -Embarrassment. In order to develop the serum, he did not hesitate to kill and collect blood. It could be understood that it was to save most people and sacrifice a small number of people. Now it seems that they are not so lofty. "The word lofty is very ironic by Jiang Kuo. "Just for their own benefit."

The ups and downs nodded: "Solving a malignant infectious disease is both fame and fortune for both the hospital and Dr. Kang. This has their reasons for taking risks."

Jiang Kuo continued: "On April 24, everyone around me had a different attitude towards J. They must have seen J's fake post. But J didn't know at that time, and mistakenly thought that everyone knew about Dr. Kang's experiment. Content. In fact, only the hospital executives know."

With so many people in the hospital, it is impossible for everyone to madly agree to experiment with humans. The interests of the high-level have nothing to do with the grass-roots. The people below do not need to help cover up, and the hospital cannot control everyone. Therefore, most general doctors and nurses in the hospital are unaware.

"On the 25th, J found the post, which can be seen from the historical browsing records. J firmly believes that someone else is spreading the rumors. There are two possibilities, one is that the poster is really full and there is nothing to do to spread the rumors, and the other is that J People's memory was touched." Jiang Kuo said.

Even if J really falsified his academic qualifications, he himself should be unaware. J expressed his anger at the rumors with three exclamation marks in the notepad. The notebook is only recorded for himself. He does not need to lie in the notebook. If he has to act in the diary, the scene would be too much.

"I prefer the second one." Xie Chian said, "On the 26th, the psychologist told J that human memories can be transplanted. This is by no means a nonsense. In connection with the last paragraph, J said that he is Z. Then he would not Could it be that their memories were swapped before? Doctor J is the real Zheng Yangfan, and Mr. Z is the real Ji Lingchuan. The one who attended the Medical University is Mr. Z who bears the name of Zheng Yangfan, and the University of Medical Sciences finds nothing. People. Because the Medical University has never been like Ji Lingchuan, only Zheng Yangfan. They have experienced at least two memory exchanges."

Shen Fu Bai: "Twice?"

"Yes, twice." Jiang Kuo answered, "From the information of Doctor J, he is an orphan and was sponsored by a well-meaning person to go to university. And Mr. Z did not show any traces of family members from beginning to end. Maybe they are both orphans. Who is best to control? Who is the most difficult to be found when missing? Orphans without father and mother. The ones who sponsored J to go to university may not be well-wishers, and they may be... treat them as experiments Physical science madman."

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