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It's late at night, everyone needs to rest, consciously find a relatively safe place to recharge. There are beasts in the woods, which may be foxes and rabbits, or tigers and black bears, depending on personal luck. Without sufficient strength, it is unwise to act at night.

Even if they have strength, people don't want to confront dangerous animals. If you kill it, you will be thankless, if you can't kill it, it will be cold.

The island is so big that the chance of hitting a large carnivore is very small. However, according to Murphy's law, if you are worried about something happening, then it will happen.

The woods at night were pitch black, Lin Qiao followed Xie Chi'an step by step, touching her chest with both hands, feeling the nervous heartbeat inside.

The moon was covered by the black clouds, and he couldn't see his fingers. Lin Qiao could only follow Xie Chian's footsteps closely based on feelings. She flinched her arms and resisted the tremors of her body. She always felt that countless pairs of eyes were looking at her in the darkness...

People will have an illusion in a gloomy environment, and feeling that someone is staring at oneself is also a psychological effect. But now, Lin Qiao's intuition is very accurate.

Xie Chian stopped without warning.

Lin Qiao was caught off guard, bumped his head on his back, staggered back and stepped on the dead branches on the ground, making a faint noise.

The cold wind is bitter.

There is a huge difference in temperature between day and night on the island. Lin Qiao feels a chill, both physical and psychological. She asked with trembling teeth, "What happened—" Her words disappeared suddenly.

Because she saw... in the dark woods, green eyes lit up in the dark, glowing green in the dark, watching them closely. It is creepy like a bunch of wild fires.

Xie Chian felt that he must be possessed by the gods today.

The light breeze blows away the dark clouds, and the silver brilliance of the moon splashes on the earth, and the beasts hidden in the woods show their bodies one by one. More than a dozen tall and mighty wild wolves gathered from all directions, and the leading white wolf was staring at Xie Chian's eyes.

They were surrounded by wolves.


Lin Qiao stared stiffly at the wolves that were gradually surrounding her, almost screaming.

Xie Chian looked around at the wild wolf with deep eyes, clenching the short spear firmly.

His eyes fell on the tallest white wolf in front of him. The whole body is white with white fur and majestic, leading a pack of wolves. This is the wolf king.

Catch the thieves first.

The White Wolf King approached step by step, the beast pupils were extremely cold, with primitive killing intent.

Xie Chian noticed that the White Wolf King’s right hind leg was injured, the blood had solidified, and the dark red on the white fur was very conspicuous.

If this is the case, then attack according to weakness——

When Xie Chian was ready to go, a crisp whistle suddenly came from the forest. The White Wolf King halted for a moment and stopped walking towards Xie Chian.

It gave up its readily available prey, turned and walked into the woods without looking back.

When the other wild wolves saw this, they all retreated silently into the deep forest.

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