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Xie Chian still looked at him blankly.

When Jiang Kuo was about to continue eating the bunch of dark mushrooms, Xie Chian lowered his eyes and said, "Forget it."

"Huh?" Jiang Kuo paused.

"You have a unique taste." Xie Chi'an couldn't say whether it was a mockery or something. "If this is better than yours, you can't live by yourself?"

Eating dark dishes every day, is that a life for people?

"Yeah, so this isn't you? Great chef." Jiang Kuo gave Xie Chian a new name in a blink of an eye. The deep tone is very nice, "How can I live without you."

This man is really...like flirting in one sentence.

"Throw it away." Xie Chian took a few mushrooms from the baggage and put them on skewers. The boy's tone was slightly cold, "I'll grill another skewer for you."

The tone was very calm, but it was really not good, as if he was troublesome.

Jiang Kuo was slightly surprised, and then pressed his fist to his lips, covering the corners of Wei Yang's lips.

How should I put it, the kid who speaks upright is a little cute.


After the meal, Jiang Kuo put out the fire, Xie Chian silently walked to his side and returned him the dagger.

Jiang Kuo hadn't asked him for it, but Xie Chi'an wouldn't let it go. He can see clearly that the long-term value brought by cooperation with Jiang Kuo is far better than a dagger.

Jiang Kuo took it casually, and put away the dagger: "In fact, it's good to keep it for you."

Xie Chi'an was noncommittal, and this kind of polite remarks really lost.

He plans to go to the nearby creek to fill up the water first, but the other two...

Xie Chian looked at Lin Qiao: "Can you go?"

Lin Qiao's sprain was not serious, and it was fine after treatment. But the pain cannot be avoided for a while, and it is still not suitable to walk around today.

Lin Qiao tried to get up, and fell back before standing still, frowning with pain.

Jiang Kuo said at the right time: "I look at her, you are busy with you."

Because of Lin Qiao's foot injury, they had to rest on the spot today. It's not impossible to memorize it, because it is not convenient to move, and it consumes energy and is not cost-effective.

Xie Chian didn't appreciate it.

He would not leave Lin Qiao under the care of a stranger.

Even though he had a meal together, Jiang Kuo was still just a stranger in Xie Chi'an's eyes...a stranger a little familiar.

Trust needs to be cultivated slowly.

Jiang Kuo read rejection from Xie Chi'an's silent attitude, and sat down under a tree carelessly. He can understand Xie Chi'an's alert, just as he doesn't trust Xie Chi'an completely.

...More than complete trust, there is simply no trust at all.

Even if the two seem to get along in harmony, only the simple-minded Lin Qiaohui really thinks so. Both Jiang Kuo and Xie Chian knew that they were never in the same camp.

No need to rush for irrigation. Xie Chian gave up the idea of ​​fetching water from the stream, sat down and took a piece of wood, and began to make a second wooden pot.

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