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Lin Qiao raised his head and saw the tall and handsome young man standing in front of him, leaning slightly to block the sun. Behind him was a ray of light, but there was a shadow in front of him, which made the gently lowered eyes a little unpredictable.

Perhaps it was because of the overly handsome face that Lin Qiao actually forgot to scream, but stared at the young man who appeared suddenly.

Jiang Kuo half curled his lips: "Kid, where are your teammates? Did you leave you behind?"

"Big brother won't leave me behind!" Lin Qiao retorted immediately.

Big brother, won't let go. Jiang Kuo caught the keyword and quickly made a judgment from this sentence.

No. 0 is a young man who left temporarily and will come back soon. Judging from his behavior of not abandoning the child to act alone, it can be seen that either the child has hidden the value of cooperation, or the No. 0 A kind heart is willing to bring a burden. And if the child is No. 98, it can be ruled out that she has cooperative value. Then it is concluded that No. 0 is an easy-hearted teenager, and they are about to meet.

All these judgments are based on the premise that the child is No. 98.

Don't ask him why he is so sure, if this kid is not 98, no one is like 98.

While Jiang Kuo was thinking about it, Lin Qiao added: "Also, I am not a 98th, I am 73!"

She still remembers what her elder brother told her. If someone asked her, she would say she was number 73.


Jiang Kuogang's conclusion was immediately overturned.

He hadn't seen No. 73, so he didn't know if Lin Qiao was lying.

For No. 1, the strength of No. 73 and No. 98 is almost the same, anyway they are very weak.

He couldn't judge whether to lie from Lin Qiao's physical reaction and changes in expression, because the child was so tight as soon as he appeared, the fear on his face could not be hidden, and the analysis of micro expressions was of little value.

"Where is your number plate?" Jiang Kuo's tone was not aggressive, but he did not have the courage to refuse to answer.

But it's not that people lack the courage to lie.

Lin Qiao twisted her fingers nervously, "Big Brother kept it for me."

"What's the size of your big brother?"

"...No. 10."

Lin Qiao responded to this strange young man's question according to the script given by Xie Chian, so that people can't make mistakes.

Thank you Chian for your preparation, otherwise Lin Qiao really doesn't know what to do now, so he will just show the stuff.

Jiang Kuo asked around, and Lin Qiao answered fluently, with no flaws, and could not help being slightly disappointed. His goal is to find No. 0. If this group is No. 10 and No. 73, he doesn't need to stay.

And it's best to leave before returning on the 10th.

Jiang Kuo only wanted to kill No. 0 and didn't want to fight with anyone else, let alone confront the top ten players.

Not afraid, but...lazy.

No need to fight, he didn't bother to fight.

However, the day did not fulfill the wishes.

When Xie Chian came back, he saw a man holding a dagger standing in front of Lin Qiao.


Without thinking about it, Xie Chian hurried to the man's back, his short spear glowed coldly and hit the man's back neck.

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