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Ten minutes later, Xie Chian held a short spear and squatted down in front of a little girl who was crying under the tree and asked, "No. 98?"

The little girl raised her head blankly, and looked at the big brother who suddenly appeared in front of her with a gentle and nice voice with tears in her eyes.

Xie Chian patiently said: "I am your teammate."

The little girl was stunned, as if she hadn't reacted. When she realized that the person in front of her was her teammate, her mouth flattened and she burst into tears.

She was so scared that she almost thought she was going to die. She didn't dare to walk around in the woods alone, she could only wait for others to come to her, but her teammates never came...

Xie Chian: "..."

He really hates dealing with children.

How old is this little girl? Eleven years old? Twelve years old? Xie Chian didn't know how such a young girl passed the first level.

Xie Chian has always thought that the players in the second level are the strongest per capita. His first level is so tragic, and it is so easy for others to do the first level... But now, he suddenly came to this conclusion. Be suspicious.

Neither this little girl nor the two Guan Yue who were easily solved by him before, didn't seem to be able to kill from a thousand people to the end.

Maybe the first level for others is that easy.

It's just that he is more lucky.

If Xie Chian had no luck, he would not become the No. 0 player of this lucky E.


"Don't cry, do you want to attract people?" Xie Chi'an didn't comfort the child, his tone was light, but it was still mild.

The little girl stopped her voice in fright.

Fairly sensible. Xie Chian is quite satisfied.

If it is really a bear kid who does not care about the loud noises, Xie Chian promises to get up and leave immediately, regardless of whether his alone action will be noticeable.

He can't do anything to kill his teammates, it's not necessary. But as a last resort, it is also possible to move away from teammates alone.

"My name is Xie Chian." Xie Chian squatted halfway in front of the little girl and asked in the most patient tone of his life, "What is your name? How old is it?"

The little girl sobbed: "My name is... Lin Qiao, thirteen."

Thirteen years old...I really can't tell, this little girl looks like eleven or twelve years old at most, skinny.

Of course, thirteen years old is very young.

Although Xie Chian himself is also a 17-year-old minor, he will be 18 next month.

Xie Chian asked: "How many people are there in your first pass?"

Lin Qiao shook her body and whispered, "Four or four people."

Xie Chian: "..."

He knows what it means to be more popular.

He smashed a **** path from the 2008 people and fought hard to reach the second level. Look at others, 4 people, where can I find this luck?

"The other three are..." Xie Chian felt that the organizers would not be so kind, because this was a child, so he was merciful.

Lin Qiao now regards Xie Chi'an as his greatest reliance, and dare not hide anything: "Dad, mother, and... younger brother."

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