71 4 0

November 2, the 10th day of the game.

Xie Chian encountered two groups of chickens pecking at each other.

It's a real chicken. Xie Chi'an has never seen such a fight before. You punch me and I will pay you back. It is actually a turn-based system.

The white-clothed middle-aged uncle kicked at the punk-style rock youth. The rock youth jumped with one leg in his arms, and after slowing down, he stepped forward and punched the middle-aged uncle. So you come and I go back and forth.

Look at another pair. A woman with tall cheekbones and a girl with yellow hair are facing each other... slap in the face.

Xie Chian: "..."

Is this funny?

In fact, Xie Chian experienced too high a level of fighting skills, which made him feel a little uncomfortable seeing this kind of market-level fighting. In fact, the fighting standards of most people on the island are not much better than this.

Not everyone is skilled.

Xie Chian is not interested in mixing up this matter, and intends to leave. If there were two people fighting here, he might have solved it easily, and four people would forget it.

Don't want to kill four.

Although he may not be seen by others after he solves these four people, the broadcast is always a strong reminder of the existence of No. 0, which does not conform to Xie Chian's low-key doctrine.

Xie Chian had just walked a few steps, and the sound of two women quarreling stopped him.

"Smelly girl dare to hit me! My husband taught me this stinky girl!" The woman's sharp voice pierced Yunxiao.

Huang Mao girl is not to be outdone: "You have a husband! Husband, help me beat her!"

The two women called out their men one after another, and their men were hitting you and I couldn't get along...

Xie Chian heard the point.

These two groups are a pair in reality.

In the first level of the game, two people survived at the same time, and they also became teammates in the second level... This can't be counted by probability.

But such a situation happened to both groups at the same time.

Xie Chian walked towards the four of them.

Holding a spear in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, the young man who slowly walked over raised his eyebrows, very polite: "Excuse me..."


Ten minutes later, Xie Chian learned all the answers he wanted to know.

"You continue." Xie Chian left calmly.

Four people were left shivering.

Where did this cruel boy come from!

As soon as Xie Chian walked away, he slammed down the tree with his fist, shaking off a few leaves.

In the two groups just now, the middle-aged uncles and women are No. 61 and 69, and the rock youth and the yellow hair girl are No. 65 and 67.

The games drawn in the first level of the two groups are very simple, and they are in pairs. The first level of the map is the square, and the game is square dancing.

Yes, yes, dance the square dance.

Their game is **** fighting dance.

They were in a square at the time, and the stereos were very hilarious, and a group of grandparents were dancing pas de deux. Then the sound suddenly announced the game--

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