Chapter 65:

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JJ's P.O.V-

"Mixtli told you the story about how our mum and pa would drink and beat us up right?" I asked and looked at everyone standing there.

Everyone in nodded their heads.

"What she didn't tell you is everything else that happened to her as a young teen.

"What?" Everyone said at the same time.

Still creepy.

"This isn't going to be easy so bare with me you guys ." I said and took a deep breath.

"Its fine love. We don't have to know. You can tell us another time if you want. We don't NEED to know." Harry said. Naomi nodded her head and gave me a warm smile.

Everyone else agreed as well.

"Its fine. I'll just try to explain it as best as I could. It's best if you know now and not have it as a surprise later on." I said with a smile.

"Take your time if you need to. We have all day." Niall insisted and smiled at me.

"Thanks." I giggled.

"Ok here I go." I sighed. I closed my eyes and started to concentrate. Then I opened them and started to speak.

"Ok, when we were younger, Mixtli had a best friend who was a guy. They were really close. Like really close. They knew each other simce they were like three years old. One day, they were in seventh grade, Mixtli and the guy were walking home from school until a man appeared and started beating up the boy. Mixtli had no idea what was going on.  Mixtli called the cops and the guy got arrested. The boy had to go to the hospital and apperantly, he didn't make it. Mixtli never got close to another boy again. She didn't want to make a new friend or hang out with anyone at lunch in High School. That is how she was a bigger target to bullying. But the thing is, nine years later, she bumped into a boy that exactly looked like her best friend. They started to hang out and sooner or later, they were close friends. Mixtli didn't know it was the boy. He told her once she was going to the proccess of singing amd sooner or later, got famous. Once she got signed into a record company, her heart was broken once she knew she wouldn't see him again. Now that Zayn is gone, she fears that Zayn has more secrets that ever. She fears that Zayn will be gone forever. Thats why she is crying and not taking any showers or even grooming herself. She loved that boy so much. He broke her heart and he-he lied to her. She fears that. She never wanted to date or get married until Zayn and you guys showed up. You guys ended up saving her." I explained.

"How did we save her?" Niall asked with a worried expression.

"The day the boy died, she wanted to committe suicide. Thats when our mum wasn't around and our dad got in the accident. I was just a few years younger and you guys were still bullying her. Till this day, she thanks you that you appeared in her life." I said.

"But we were her bullies. We messed around with her in a terrible way." Harry said.

"Mixtli overheard Niall and Zayn talking about how Zayn liked her and how he wanted to ask her out to the school dance but he was too shy. That was the trigger. She knew someone loved her as much as she loved the boy. She wanted to live because of you lads and Zayn." I added.

Danielle seemed to be tearing up and Liam started comforting her.

"Thats not all." I said and sighed. I looked at the ground and played with my hands.

"There's more?" Louis asked and looked at me. 

"A lot more." A voice said.

We all turned and saw Mixtli standing there with a blanket over her shoulders, mascara smeared under her eyes, and her eyes were bloodshot red. Her body was trembling and the smells are not helping at all.

"His name was Zen." She said.

"Zayn?" Liam asked with a worried look on his face.

"No, Zen." She corrected.

"The resons why I locked myself here these past few days is because of these memories. Zen and Zayn are somewhat do similar. They are both beautiful men. They love or loved me. They both left me...." Her voice trailed off and it stayed silent.

"Where is Zayn?" I stepped forward and asked.

"Somewhere." She said without looking at me.

"Mixtli. Where is Zayn?" I repeated. She made a loud sigh and looked at me.

"Back at England." Her voice cracked and tears filled her eyes.

"Why is he there when he isbsuppose to be here having the time of his life with his lovely, beautiful and talented girlfriend?" Louis asked and stepped forwards as well.

"His mum got in an accedent. He left a few days ago and his pa bought him a ticket to go back home." She explained in a calm manner.

"Is she alright?" I asked.

"Thats what I don't know. Zayn hasn't called me or texted me. He promised he was but he..." She said and broke down.

"I'm sorry yoy have to see me like this. And I'm sorry for being rude to..." She stopped and looked at Naomi.

"Naomi." Harry said.

"I'm sorry Naomi." She cried.

"Ah its alright love. Your just depressed thats all. Everything is gonna be alright." She said with a positive tone.

Mixtli gave a little smile and wiped the tears from her wet face.

I'm surprised she still could cry out tears after all of the crying and wheeping this week.

"Just go. Have fun. I'll be fine." She insisted and closed the door.

"Lets just go. Leave her be." Louis grabbed my hand and walked.

Poor Mixtli.


Well this was depressing. Hope you guys liked it.

Sorry if its a bit short. I write a lot on my phone so it seems like a lot of writing to me.
I tried my best to make it a bit more longer and detailed. Surprises will come sooner or later. :)


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