Chapter 78:

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"This is really good mum." Zayn muffled as he stuffed his mouth with food. I giggled a little as Zayn tried to talk.

Tricia smiled and stuffed some food in her mouth as well.

"Don't only thank me. Thank Mixtli here as well. She was a wonderful help." She pointed out as I sipped on my soda.

"Don't thank me. It's just a family thing." I said.
Tricia and Yaser smiled at me and continued to eat. Safaa was playing with her food which made Donyia annoyed.

"So Mixtli, how are your parents?" Tricia asked out of nowhere. I dropped my fork on my plate, making a loud sound as they impacted.

I stopped eating and looked at my thighs. I can tell Zayn was looking at me but I ignored it.

"I umm....I don't have parents." I said quietly and bit on my lower lip.

"Oh dear. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your night." Zayn's mum appologized.

"Its ok Tricia. I'm just ashamed to say that those people were my parents." I admitted and looked up.

Tricia gave me a weak smile and continued to eat. The rest of the dinner was really quiet except for the parts when we would drop our forks on the plate.

Zayn and Yaser already finished their food so they went to the kitchen. I was the last one to finish.

I walked to the kitchen and placed my plate in the sink as Donyia was washing the dishes. I gave her a little smile and decided to help her. I dried the plates that she had finished washing and she guided me to where everything belonged.

"Thank you for the help." She gave a big smile as she washed the last plate. "Your welcome." I said giving a smile back. I patted her back and headed to the living room; where Zayn and his pa were at. I smiled that Zayn was finally back with his family and having a great time. He turned his head and smiled once he saw me standing there. Yaser stood up and hugged me out of nowhere.

"Its good to have you as part of our family." He whispered in my ear. I smiled to myself and pulled away from the hug. Zayn got p from the couch and tilted his head, signaling that its time to go. I nodded my head and walked to the room where I had left the bag.

"Mum, pa. It was nice having dinner with you again." Zayn smiled and hugged his parents goodbye. His sisters all gave a group hug to their brother as we were about to leave. Tricia gave me a hug as well. "Thank you for the dress." I whispered in her ear. She made a face and cupped my cheeks. "Its just a little gift from me to you." She smiled. I said goodbye to the girls and Yaser and we left the hotel room.

"What's in the bag?" Zayn asked as I held onto his hand. "Just a gift your mum gave me." I said with no detail. He nodded his head and twirled me around in a circle. He kissed my forehead as I stopped twirling. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."


Zayn's P.O.V-

" You know son, the most fragile things in life are the easiest to break. Mixtli is the fragile item in this case. If you drop it, you break it. That's just how love can be if you mistreat it. Don't ruin anything perfect in your life. Including the ones you love." The thought came to me as my father said that to me yesterday as the ladies were in the kitchen. He is right. Mixtli is very fragile and perfect. One mistake and I could break any part of her.

I woke up the next morning pretty early to check on the registrations I had for the date today. I called to make sure it was ready by 6:00. I quietly got undressed and went to go shower. Mixtli was still asleep so I had enough time to go pick up my tuxedo I chose for today. I just put on some casual clothes and a red beanie. I wrote a note and left it near her pillow and headed off.

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