Chapter 73:

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Mixtli's P.O.V-

"Liam! Noo!" Danielle cried as the flatline continued.

I was on my knees crying and feeling miserable on what is happening to my best friend. The lads, Naomi and JJ got out of the room since all of this was too drastic for them.

Zayn was hugging me as I cried on the floor. The flatline was ringing in my eardrums causing me to loose my mind. This can't be happening.

The doors flew wide open and in came the doctor and a handful of nurses. "We are gonna have to shock him." The doctor told us. Danielle nodded her head and continued to cry.


Liam's body jumped as the electric rounds hit his body. Seeing this made me even more miserable.


I had Zayn let go of me and I ran out of the room. This was too much for me to see.

My anger raised my temper as I marched out of the hospital. Luckily Zayn had me carry his keys so I jumped in the truck and drove off.

"This is for Liam." I said to myself and sniffled as I drove to the one place I pictured myself lastly.

Zen's House.

Zayn's P.O.V-

Mixtli ran out of the room after she saw Liam getting shocked multiple times. I ran a few seconds after and saw the lads and ladies sitting.

"Have any of you seen Mixtli?" I asked.

"We saw her pass by here." JJ said. "She left the hospital in tears and had some car keys in her hands." Naomi informed me some more.

"Shit." I said under my breath. I ran out of the building and saw that my car was missing from the parking lot. I pulled on my hair and examined the area.

"She just left." I said to myself. I looked around some more and thought to myself. Where would she go after all of this happened? Why would she leave?

These thoughts roamed in my head for quite a while until it hit me. She went to Sam's place.

I rushed back inside the hospital and ran to Louis.

"Lou! I need to borrow your car." I huffed and puffed as I ran to him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cuz! Mixtli took mine and I need to find her before she does anything stupid." I said quickly and impatiently.

"Ok ok." He said and tossed me his keys.

"Thanks lad your the best." I smiled and ran back to the parking lot.

I turned on the car and quickly got out of the parking lot and drove off to Sam's house. I called Sam since she pinned in her number when we were younger.

"Hello?" A voice said.

"Sam?" I questioned since I didn't reconize her voice.

"Zayn!?" She squealed on the other line.

"Yea its me Sam. Look this doesn't mean anything but can you give me the address to your house?" I nervously asked.

"M-my address?" She asked.

"Yes! Now hurry and text me it or I won't go." I threatened and hung up. I sighed and tried to calm myself. My phone rang and I saw the address Sam texted me.

I hope this is all worth it.

Mixtli's P.O.V-

"Where the hell is Sam?" I gritted my teeth as I stared at Zen.

"Why do you want to know?" He rolled his eyes and tried to close the door on me.

I stopped him and entered without permission.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked as he saw me step in.

"What does it look like?" I groaned.

"Now where is Sam?" I asked once again.
"Home." He said. Gee that helps soooo much.

"Look, you can tell me where Sam lives and stop being a bitch or I will call the cops on you for crime." I threatened and clenched my hands into fists.

"Ok, ok." He raised his hands in defence. "She lives three blocks away from here. She lives in a brownish color house....." He said but I stopped listening.

I ran out of the house and hopped into the car and started it.

"Mixtli wait!" Zen ran after.

"What?!" I snapped as I put on my seat belt.

"I'm really sorry for your friend. I didn't know this was gonna happen." He sighed. I looked at him with anger and drove off without saying a word.

The drive felt really quiet and awkward ever since I came here. I looked to my side and saw that no one was there. Not even my boyfriend.

Ever since I got together with Zayn, I've always wanted more. Thoughts roamed in my head on how we were always smiling and laughing or how we would hold hands in the car as he drove. This wasn't happening these past few days. I really miss him.

As my thoughts drifted apart I saw that I was coming closer to Sam's stupid home. There were two cars in the drive way so I parked on the street.

One of the cars seemed familiar but I just ignored it.

I pounded at the door and stood up straight and tall.

The door opened and out came Sam.

"Mixtli?" She said with shock. I couldn't help but push her down and slap her across the face with all my might.

And so I did.

I pushed Sam to the floor and kicked the door shut so people wouldn't see what was happening.

"This is what you get bitch!" I yelled and slapped her again.

Sam was a fighter. I was a lover. But if you get me pissed, I will be someone different.

Sam pulled on my hair and dropped me to the floor.

I got up quickly at the same time as she did and rubbed my head. "I hate you!" I yelled and held back the tears.

"Shut up you whore!" She yelled. I slapped her again but this time even harder than before.

"You ruined my life! You want everything from me!" I screamed as we were kicking each other and screaming.

I fell to the ground and saw a familiar shirt on the ground. It looked like the same one Zayn was wearing earlier.

Sam and I started arguing even more until the bathroom door swung open. We both stopped yelling at each other and turned our attention to it. My heart sunk as I saw who came out.

Sam's started giving an evil grin as she saw the look on my face.


I looked at my SHIRTLESS BOYFRIEND coming out of the restroom.


Holy crap.

Sorry if I haven't updatee this in ages! I've been really busy. I hope this makes up for my absence.

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