Chapter 68:

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Zayn's P.O.V-

Having Mixtli back in my arms felt like the best feeling in the entire world.

Oh how I missed her hugs and her kisses.

"You're back so soon?" She sniffled and looked up at me.

"I couldn't stand to be without you for another couple of days. Its been hard for me to help around back home. " I looked down at her with a warm smile.

"I missed you too much." She hugged me tighter.

"Me too darling. Me too."

Our moment was just reading when everyone barged outside.

"There you are!" Danielle said to Mixtli.

"Zayn!?" Louis and JJ both said.

"Where have you been this entire time mate?" Liam asked as he gave me a bro hug.

"Mixtli didn't tell you?" I questioned and turned to face my lady.

"Tell us what?" Everyone asked.

"That Zayn went back home because his mum got in an accident that happened about a week ago." Mixtli spoke.

"What? Why didn't you tell us mate?" Harry asked.

"I thought Mixtli was gonna yell you guys." I explained.

"Is that why she was locked up in the room all by herself and didn't take a shower until today?" Niall asked and looked at her.

"Shhh." She covered Niall's mouth.

"Is that so?" I looked at my girlfriend with a straight face.

"Yes but its only because of different reasons." She explained.

"Its because of...." JJ said but stopped as soon as she got cut off.

"Me?" A voice said.

I turned around and saw a man, seems like my age, standing with his arms crossed.

"And you are?" Naomi asked.

"The names Zen." He said with a cheeky smile.

"I bet you've heard many stories of me." Zen said and took a step forward.

Well shit, who does he think he is?

"I told you to get away Zen." Mixtli gritted her teeth.

"You know him?" I stepped back.

She turned her head and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Y-yes." She studdered nervously.

What the fuck.

Sorry if this chapter is sooooo short. Didn't wanna rush anything in just one chapter.

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I love you guys soo much. I will be updating my new story tomorrow for the first time. I'm super excited for this story.

It is called 'Dreamers'.

Love you guys.

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