Chapter 75:

32 9 12

Five More Chapters Left!
Just to let you guys know. :)

Mixtli's P.O.V-

I smiled and kissed Liam's forehead and held on to his hands.
Tears filled my eyes knowing that Liam was alive and well. Everyone in the room looked at us as we stared at each other.

"Hello mum. Hi pa." He smiled as he saw his parents there.

"Oh Liam. I'm glad your ok." Karen cried as she hugged her son. I moved out of the way so the family could greet him. Zayn walked out of the room as his phone rang. Everyone was happy in the room knowing Liam was alive. They all greeted him and cried as they spoke. I went out of the room and went outside looking for Zayn.

Zayn's P.O.V-

My phone rang during the scene so I headed outside the hospital and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello sunshine. I just wanted to know if you made it back." My mum said.

"Oh yea. I forgot to tell you." I chuckled.

"Our flight went well as well ." She said.


"What do you mean mum?" I questioned.
"Turn around Zayn." She said.

I turned around and saw my mum, pa, and sisters standing in front of my car. They had luggage with them and a huge smile on their face. I smiled and ran to my family.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I hugged everyone.

"We wanted to surprise you and the boys." My pa said.

"What are you doing at the hospital?" My mum said with a worried expression on her face.

"Liam had an accident." I said not giving to much detail.

"Poor dear. Is he alright?" Doniya asked.

Just as I was about to say something, someone called out my name.

I turned around and saw Mixtli there looking around for me.

"Who is that?" Safaa asked as she lifted up her eye brows up and down. I laughed and flushed at my sister.

"She's pretty." She added as well.

"Would you guys like to meet her?" I asked knowing that they already knew her.

"That would be nice." My mum added. We all walked towards Mixtli, who was standing there looking at her phone.

My heart was pounding. My family hasn't seen Mixtli in years ever since I bullied her. They didn't even knew I bullied her.

Mixtli looked up and smiled at me until she saw my family. Her eyes widened as she saw my mum, pa and sisters right behind me.

"There you are." She smiled.

"Here I am." I chuckled.

Mixtli's P.O.V-

Seeing Zayn's family warmed my heart a bit but surprised me as well.

After Tricia greeted me to them, I tried so hare not to laugh. Zayn looked a bit nervous as he looked at his family and I.

I giggled and stared at Zayn.

"Mum, Pa, this is my girlfriend." Zayn finally said. Safaa looked at him with shock as Donyia and Waliyha smlied.

"Zayn! You never told us you were with this young lady." His mum said as she smiled at me.

"Yea, she's my one and only." He said and hugged me. His body felt hot and his cheeks turned a bright red.

"Mixtli?" Tricia asked as she got closer to me. I nodded my head and smiled. Tricia gasped and hugged me tightly. I hugged back knowing that she did remember me.

"Oh my god you've grown. And you look gorgeous. Its been so long." Tricia cried. I rubbed her back and smiled at Yaser who was smiling at me as well.

"I bet you remember our daughters." Tricia said as she pulled away.

"Of course I remember them." I said looking at the girls. Yaser gave me a hug aftee his wife moved and patted my back.

"Its good to see you again." He said in my ear.

I giggled and pulled away from the hug. Man Zayn's dad has some good looks.

I turned my attention to Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa.

Doniya hugged me and laughed as we made contact.

"Its been so long." I said. She nodded her head and giggled.

"We have a lot of catching up to do." She added. I greeted Waliyha next, which seemed not to be as pleased as everyone else. I get that she is in her teens. I ignored it and squatted down to reach Safaa's height.

"Hi there. I believe we never met." I smiled at the little girl. She giggled and held on to her little bag she had with her.

I smiled and looked down on the floor. Then out of nowhere, Safaa hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Your pretty." She said with a huge smile. Everyone laughed, making her blush.

"Why thank you. But I'm not as pretty as you." I bopped her nose and smiled.

"Your prettier. I'm ugly." She frowned. I frowned as well and messed with her hair.

"There is no such thing as ugly in the Malik family." I said.

"That is why you belong. Be a Malik!" She jumped. My heart fluttered as she said I belonged in her family. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. Not in front of them.

I stood up and smiled. I turned my attention to Zayn.

"Lets go see how Liam is doing." Tricia clapsed her hands together. Zayn and I stayed outside for a while.

"You ok?" He asked. I was speachless.

"Boy, Safaa is something else." I laughed. Zayn joined me and held on to my hand.

"She can be a big mouth." He chuckled. I smiled and looked at Zayn who sat down on the edge of the wall. He helped me up as I sat next to him.

"Why didn't you tell your parents I was with you?" I asked as I placed my head on his shoulder.

Zayn sighed and kissed my head.

"I don't like showing off something to fragile and perfect to everyone in the world. It makes them feel bad for not having it." He said. I giggled and grabbed his hands.

We sat there the entire afternoon, looking at the sunset.

Vote/Comment. This was a really cute chapter tbh.

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