Chapter 43:

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Zayn's P.O.V-

I needed to ask her. Ever since we drifted apart, I knew that I wanted to be closer to her than ever.

"Will you um be my girlfriend." I said once again. My heart was racing.
What if she said no. What if she was already dating someone. What of I was a joke to her. What if she didn't really love me.

She has quiet when I asked her. Maybe it wasn't the right time.

Right when she was going to say something, someone inturupted her.

"Excuse me young lady. Hi. I just wanted to know that my daughter is a HUGE fan of yours. Would you mind if I could take a picture of you with her." She politley said.

I looked at Mixtli but she didn't look at me.
"I would love to." She said and got up. No, come back.

After a few minutes of being alone and unanswered, I decided to go to the loo before we landed.

Mixtli's P.O.V-

After I took a few pictures with the ladies daughter, I headed for my seat and saw that Zayn wasn't there.

The plane was starting to land so I sat down and strapped myself up.

Where's Zayn?

The plane landed so the lads, JJ, Danielle and I grabbed our bags and headed out the plane.
"Where is Zayn?" I asked as I put my bags on the floor.

"I think he was at the loo. Here he comes."

I looked straight ahead and saw Zayn walking towards us. He looked like a freaking model walking with the wind blowing. His hair going everywhere, his posture, his style. It was amazing.

I smiled and ran towards him. He smiled and opened his arms to catch me.

"Yes!" I said in his ear as I was lifted by him.

Zayn's P.O.V-
"Yes!" she said in my ear. I lifted her in the air and she laughed.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"I will be your girlfriend Zayn." She said as I put her down.


"Really?!" I asked in surprise.

"Yes!" She said and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back and held her closer to me.

"Get a room!" Louis yelled.

We both laughed and I grabbed my bags and we walked to the lads. I did it.

The love lf my life said yes. My body was finally filled with joy.

"Ita oficiall then?" Niall asked.

"Yup, we are finally together." I said with confidence.

"Looks like talking to the mirror paid off." Harry laughed. I felt my face get red.

"Oh really. You practiced on asking me out?" Mixtli looked at me.

"I wanted it to be somewhat perfect and I didn't want to say the wrong words." I admitted and flushed.

Mixtli leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. "Thats really sweet." she said and smiled. Danielle, JJ and her walked together ahead of us while I was with the lads.

"Congrats mate. You are really lucky." Niall smiled.

"Yea, I'm glad you finally asked her after all these years." Harry added.

"Thanks guys. I was really nervous. I took a long piss just to have the negatives go away." I chuckeled.

The rest of the lads and I laughed and talked about the plans we were gonna have.

Mixtli's P.O.V-
"You are a really lucky girl." Danielle saod as she wrapped her arm around mine. I know that Danielle and I will be really good friends. We comtinued to talk about other things and how she told me that she was a model and hownit was hard for her to be fit and all that. All of this reminded me that Inused to make myself throw up to be fit.

"You are beautiful the was you are."

Zayn's words repeated over my head. The fact that we are together makes me happy.

As we walked inside the building, there were many people inside. My heart was racing knowing the fact that many people could havr known who we are. We walked as quickly as we could through the doors.

As we made it oit alive, thank god, we called two taxi cars and drove off to the nearest hotel.

In the taxi, it was me, Zayn, Danielle and Liam. On the other was the rest.

The taxi driver closed the little window in back of him to give us some privacy.

That was weird. Zaun was looking at his hands so I couldn't help but grab one of them and hold on to it. He smiled and held my hand, squeezing it a little.

Liam and Danielle were on a full on make-out secion. I giggled and Zayn pulled me closer, kissing me on the head. I placed my head on his chest, being able to hear his beating heart.

"I love you Mixtli." He said.

"I love you too Zayn."

End of chapter. Be sure to vote/comment. My heart was filled with joy just for writing this chapter.

Love you guys.

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