RE2 Leon Kennedy x Reader

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Real kinky shit, like breeding and domination. If you're not into that, no problem, you don't gotta read it

"God, what is that smell?" You ask, walking into a lab room. Leon follows in behind you, and you hear the door shut automatically behind him. Whatever the hell experiments went on in here, you didn't want to know. You just wanted to shut this place down and leave the city.

"Ugh, that's pungent alright," he says with a cough, smelling the strong chemicals. "I don't think there's anything in here, we should go. I'm not liking the smells, it could be a gas leak or something," he tells you.

"Ok, yeah let's move out." As you walk to the door, you expect it to automatically open, but it doesn't move an inch. You place your hands on it, attempting to manually slide it open, but the door refuses to budge. "Oh shit," you say.

"It's locked?"

"Yes, maybe we can unlock it with the computer over there," you say, walking back to the opposite end of the room towards the monitor.

"Here, let me. I think I can figure it out." He places a hand on your lower back, politely nudging you over so he can sit and try to use the computer. Chills strike you, zipping along your spine. You feel a certain feeling rise within you, just by that single touch.

"Are you feeling... Odd?" You ask suspiciously. He turns to you and raises a brow.

"Maybe a little light headed, but I think I'm ok otherwise. Are you alright? Is there anything wrong?" His eyes grow concerned, and you shake your head to reassure him.

"I'm alright, just also light headed," you answer half honestly. It was true your head felt clouded and slightly dizzy, but you refrained from telling him what his touch did to you. Was it just your desperation for safety getting to you? Or was it this strange gas floating around the room?

As you ponder what's happening to you, pacing the room, you come across a few papers in a file. You pick it up and open it, wanting to read to make sure you weren't missing anything important in it.

Experiment 025

The ingredients took ages to turn into gas form, but finally, it's happened. Now that we know the G-Virus is compatible with animals, hopefully this gas will force them into mating, and create more beings that carry the virus.

It worked on most of the animals. Although they appeared dizzy, after 5 minutes they immediately began to mate. They seemed to be in a sort of trance until they were successful in beginning the new creation of offspring. If we introduce this gas in larger quantities to humans, it should have the same effect.

"Oh my god. Leon, how long have we been in here?" You look over, an alarmed expression splayed across your face. He looks over at you confused.

"Only a couple minutes, why?"

"Please hurry, we only have a couple minutes before this experimental gas takes effect." You say, eyes darting around, looking for the source of the leak.

"Effect? What kind of effect?" He says, walking over worriedly. You hand him the file, and watch his expression change to shock as he reads. "Oh. This is not good at all. I'll get back to trying to open the door," he says. He's avoiding eye contact with you. He tosses the file aside, and hurries back to the computer.

"I think I found where the leak is coming from, I'll figure out a way to seal it off," you say, finding a ripped tube sticking out of a gas tank.

"Yeah.. if that will even change anything," he says with doubt. Immediately, you begin rummaging through the desks, looking for anything to seal off this giant gas tank. You come across a roll of tape, and decide it could be useful.

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