Ethan Winters x Reader

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"Everything ok?" Ethan calls from the kitchen, hearing you trip over your own feet. Shit, that's embarrassing. I've only been on a handful of dates with this guy, luckily somehow I've managed to hide the fact I'm a clutz.

"Yeah, I'm good," you say, walking out of the bathroom after fixing your makeup. He's cooking dinner at the stove, and turns back to smile at you.

"It's almost ready, would you mind grabbing plates for me? They're in the cabinet on the left over there," he asks.

"No problem. I uh, I love your kitchen by the way. I'm jealous of the counter space," you say, trying to strike some conversation.

"Oh, thank you haha. Oddly, it wasn't really one of the selling points of the house to me," he tells you, turning off the stove.

"No? What was?" You ask, giving him his plate. He pauses and looks at you with a smile, shaking his head.

"I was just... Thinking ahead about things. I plan to live here for a really long time, and having the space for company and whatnot was the main thing I liked." And whatnot? Oh... Does he mean a family? That's charming, he knows what he wants.

"I get you. A house has to have space for special occasions or family," you agree. After you both get your food plated and sit at his dining table, he takes his wine glass and slightly raised it tilting towards you. You smile and cheers his glass.

"To date number 4," he says.

"And to many dates after," you say, blushing. He smiles and the both of you drink. You take a bite of the food, closing your eyes. "Wow, this is actually really good, Ethan."

"Actually?" He says with a smirk.

"Actually." The both of you laugh lightly, and he looks to you shyly.

"I uhm, could I ask you something personal? If you don't know the answer, that's completely fine." Personal? How deep is this gonna get?

"Go for it, maybe I'll know the answer."

"Are you the type of person to have a family? I mean, one of your own. I don't entirely know what kind of house you grew up in and I just wanted to be respectful in case you don't like talking about it, but..." He trails off. You give a small smile and take a moment to think.

"Well, I appreciate you being so sweet about it. My relationship with my own family is good, in fact they've been pushing me to meet someone, and luckily I met you. But having a family would be nice, yes. Living the classic life, I wouldn't mind it." He grins and closes his eyes, nodding.

"I'll be honest, I one hundred percent want a family. And of course I'd never push that on you or rush you, but it not being something you wanted was what made me so nervous. But hearing you say that, it reassured me that I met someone I can really get along with." You smile and blush, grinning at his words.

"Well Mr. Winters, I think we're on the same page then."

"Hah, glad to hear it. How about we watch a movie after dinner? I wouldn't mind keeping you here a little longer than planned." You nod, and he smiles. He really is an unexpected prince charming. He's so respectful, and I don't feel manipulated. It's a genuine connection between us. Is he who I've been looking for for so long?


"That was really good, Ethan. Thank you so much for dinner," you tell him. He grabs your plate and takes it to the sink.

"It's the first time in a while I've had someone try my food, so I appreciate the compliments. Let's me know I'm not that bad of a cook," he jokes. You laugh and follow him to the sink.

"I can help if you like?"

"Sure, I wouldn't mind it, thanks." You stand next to him, grabbing the sponge and washing off the plate. He comes back with an empty pan and sets it in the sink, his arm brushing yours. To your pleasure, he doesn't move it away, keeping the contact with you.

There the both of you stand, shoulder to shoulder, washing dishes, giddy expressions on. You place the clean dishes on the drying rack, and when you turn back you bump into him, causing him to look directly at you. Once again shoulder to shoulder, you continue staring into each other's eyes, faces getting closer.

His eyes flick to your lips and back up, and your eyes do the same. He leans down and kisses your lips, passion and satisfaction in his kiss. He holds himself there, absorbing the romanticness of it all, and you feel how soft his lips felt on yours, seratonin pumping. He pulls back just barely, your noses still touching.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now," he whispers.

"So have I," you whisper back.

"Well then, I won't hold back next time." You smile with a silent laugh and kiss him once and twice more, never getting enough. You pull back this time, your face red with glee.

"Uhm, what movie did you want to watch?" You ask, turning back to the dishes. He resumes helping you wash and gives a "hmm" making you laugh internally.

"How's an action movie sound?"

"That'll do," you respond. "Although, it doesn't really narrow down what movie we're going to pick," you laugh.

"We'll find something, don't worry. Want me to make popcorn?"

"I'm ok without popcorn, but I will take some more wine," you say.

"More wine it is."


You sit on his couch, scrolling betflix in the action section. Ethan brings you a refilled glass of wine, handing it to you.

"Why thank you," you smile.

"Course. Find something yet?" He asks, sitting next to you, a glass of his own in his hand. He smoothly puts his free arm around you, comfortably setting it upon your shoulders. You lean into him, cuddling up to his side and leaning your head on his shoulder. You click a classic action movie you've seen a couple times and set the remote down.

"Good pick," he comments.

"This one doesn't seem to get old." He laughs and places his hand on your arm, his thumb rubbing you gently. I think I want a little more than a little cuddle with him...

Part 2? Thank you to Valerie for the request 💕

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