Leon Kennedy x Reader

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So I'm going to preface this by explaining my freaking crazy dream that I had about this man that makes absolutely no sense and then turn it into a story.

The dream:
I was driving a car, pressing on the gas all the way, and behind me there was a car, picking up speed to follow me. I didn't want to see him or talk to him, I was mad at him. But he followed me anyway. Guess I'm in trouble. I hit 90mph, turned off my lights and swerved into the nearest turn, jumping out of the car as it spun. It turned out to be a closed outdoor movie theater of some sort, and I bolted and took cover behind a popcorn stand, sitting on the ground behind the counter. Moments later a car pulls up and I hear a door shut. He found me. There walks Leon, in RPD uniform and all. His eyes are cold, scanning the area for me. I lean away and hide my whole body behind the stand, my back to the counter. My eyes watch as he walks right behind the counter, spotting me. He crouches down and offers his hand out.

"Come out now," he says. I do as he says, crawling towards him. I take his hand and he helps me up. I wish it was RE4 Leon. Oh, I'm lucid dreaming, it is RE4 Leon now. "Let's go." AYE SIR.

The story just gets weirder from here, but he basically leads me to this thing that like tunnels me underground but I'm underwater the whole time?? Idk but he was like "I know what you did with Carlos" and I was like AH SHIT

I get spit out of this underground tube into a kitchen area, and he's there waiting for me. I guess making me hold my breath underwater to get here was my punishment. He guides me to a freezer to find something, and it's cold as hell. But of course, he's ok with his warm jacket. Someone with bad intent storms into the freezer with us, and he grabs them and shoves them into the wall, breaking his neck instantly. Major mood change, I thought he was mad but he protected me. He turns to look at me and hold my hand.

"You okay? Good thing he didn't do that to one of us." I nod and agree, and he shakes his head. "Let's just get out of here and go home," he says, dragging me by the hand.

Ok the end. Story time.

The story:

"What the hell are you talking about?"  You ask.

"I'm doing this alone. It's too dangerous. I know you're my partner, but I can't risk taking you." Leon says.

"So you're going on this mission alone, no one to watch your ass? You can't play the brave guy all the time, Kennedy. If anything happens to you, and I'm not there, what the hell am I supposed to do?"

"I'm not being a 'tough guy'. I'm protecting you. Aren't you grateful for that?"

"Sure, but I'm not grateful you're going to get yourself killed!" You yell, walking out of his office.

"Wait, come back," he calls out. Partner my ass. He can't keep trying to do everything by himself because he's being stubborn. It'll only screw him over. Your angry footsteps echo through the empty office building, the light of the moon shining through the windows. So that's it? That's what he called me in for? To tell me I'm useless?

Entering the parking garage, you find your car and drive out, going to a place you needed to visit. A private garden, one with a solemn bench and trees that granted you privacy. It was your spot, one that you found not too far from your home. It was abandoned and overgrown, but that's what made it so cozy. A place where you could sort yourself out.

You floored it, the engine of your car revving up as you got on the highway. In the rearview, you noticed a car following you onto the highway, changing into your same lane. Damn Kennedy.

Speeding up, you change lanes and weave in and out of cars, feeling entirely wreckless. What does he care? He doesn't even want me there with him. I'll do whatever I want then.

You approach your exit, swiftly and easily losing the person who you thought was following you. Maybe I was just hopeful it was him.

Within a couple minutes, you pull into a small parking lot on the side of the road, and slam your car door shut. The anger in you radiating, you walk into the wooded area and find the bench, the legs covered in vines.

Plopping down, you sit with your elbows on your knees, head in your hands. What the fuck am I even feeling? Anger? Betrayal? Guilt? Countless thoughts run through your head about how you feel about being left behind, how you feel towards him, and why in the hell he cares so much.

"What the hell is going on?" You question.

"I'd tell you if you'd let me talk, sweetheart."

"So it was you back there," you say, looking up. "I never even heard you."

"You know I like sneaking." You huff and shake your head, looking into his eyes, his silhouette lit by the moon.

"Yeah. I'm letting you talk, so spit it out." He sighs and steps towards you, sitting on the tiny bench, squeezed next to you.

"This is a beautiful place, it suits you."

"Kennedy," you grumble.

"Alright, alright, sorry. I know you feel betrayed by me going alone, distrusted, whatever is going through your mind. But you have to understand, I can do this. Don't you trust me to take care of myself?" You sit silently, head turned away from him. His stare is burning into your skull, and you sigh.

"I- I trust you with my life. I always have, since day one. Without that kind of trust between us, we wouldn't have gotten anywhere. We've been working together for so long, why the change?"

"Because... I'm scared." Turning to look at him, his eyes are now on the ground in front of you.


"Losing the only thing in the world I care about," he says, looking to you. What is he trying to say?

"Leon," you whisper. "Please..."

"I- you... What the hell would I do without you? Where would I be? I owe so much to you. I don't want to even think about you not being here anymore. I need you," he explains.

"I feel the same." His shoulders relax and he gives a small smile. "I depend on you. A lot. And without you, I'd be a fucking mess. More than I already am, hah. I guess that's why I got so heated with you. But you have to remember my feelings too, Leon."

"I like when you call me that. You never do it," he says, bumping your shoulder with his. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just promise you won't go anywhere dangerous without me, okay? I'd rather be there if something happened, to help you and be present, you know?"

"I understand," he says nodding. You lean your head on his shoulder, and his rests atop yours. "I think I love you." You grab his hand that is resting on his thigh.

"I think I love you too."

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