RE2-4 Leon Kennedy x Reader

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"Alright ladies, line up. Time to meet your sparring partner," Your trainer commanded. You and your squad mates lined up, hip to hip, facing the entryway of the sparring room. In walked in the men's team, clad in identical uniforms as you and the other women. You stood with your arms crossed behind your back, heart skipping a beat when you see him.

"Choose your lady! And don't go easy, these one's are tougher than you might expect," Krauser shouts. You keep your eyes on the ground, hoping and praying he doesn't choose you.

The men's squad lines up face to face with yours, and you see a pair of boots step in front of you.

"Shake hands!"

You look up, locking with the cold blue eyes you didn't want to see. He puts his hand out, and you take it, looking at him with a straight face as his grin drops.

'Are you mad?' he mouths. Closing your eyes and scrunching your brow, you inhale with a small nod. Looking at him again, he's giving you a confused and pissed glare.

"Now, stick with each other until your match is over. Watch everyone very carefully, you might learn something," your trainer says. Everyone finds their way to a seat, and the first two are called up onto the center mat. Leon sits on a bench, leaving room for you.

"I don't see you for a week and now you're mad?" He asks in a hushed voice.

"Look, I'm sorry. You just... Wouldn't understand." Your gaze is stuck to the ground, unable to face him. In your peripheral vision, he turns to you and stares.

"What wouldn't I understand? We've been through the same thing."

"It's not that..."

"Then what is it? You want me to go easy or something?"

"Definitely not. Just let it go, I don't want to talk about it right now," you say, eyes moving to the fight. He turns back and sighs, not understanding what you won't tell him.

It's only been a month since Raccoon City, and Leon's already gone on a mission without you. Today was the first he's seen you since he got back, but you've always kept in contact daily.

"Come over later. Please. We can talk then," he asks politely, keeping his cool. He didn't know what was going on through your mind, but he wanted to make it go away. He wished a lot of things in his mind would go away.

"Okay. I will."

"I'm not going to go easy. But I won't hurt you. Deal?"


"Kennedy, you two are up!" Krauser shouts. You give each other quick glances and stand, walking to the mat.

Each of you grab knives, looking at each other from opposite ends of the mat. You have a stone cold face on, ready to take his ass down. He gives you the same look, not wanting to break his win streak.

"Any day now!"

Leon decides to charge first, getting closer for a better shot at you. You dodge left, immediately taking a jab that misses. Without missing a beat he goes in once again, but your quick reflexes allow you to parry, knife clinking with his.

In an attempt to redeem yourself for the vulnerable moment, you drop low and jab once again, protecting your face with your free arm. He parrys you and swings your arms around, twisting it in the wrong way.

To avoid getting locked in, you drop lower and swiftly kick him off his feet, his body thudding to the ground. Crawling to your knees you try one last time to get him for good, but he raises a knee, sitting up.

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