RE2 Leon Kennedy x Reader

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"Babe, I'm home," I say as I walk in. To my surprise, there's no response. Maybe she's in the shower?

I begin to take off my police uniform as I walk into the bedroom, looking around for her. Not in here or the bathroom, is she not home from work yet?

Taking out my phone, I pull up her contact and call, and it keeps ringing. Come on, pick up! I'm starting to get worried here.

"Hey babe," she answers. Thank god she's ok.

"Hey, hon. I'm home," I tell her.

"Damn, sorry I'm still caught up with work. I have one more thing to do and I'll be there ok?" She works late but not this late.

"Alright, don't make me wait too long," I tease. I hope she's back soon though... I hate being here without her. It's weird coming back to an empty house.

Two hours pass, and I'm still here alone, showered and ready for bed. I'm tempted to call again... She's got me on edge. That bitch ass boss of hers better leave her alone. He thinks he's so smooth, making her work late, keeping her from me.

The sound of the door rattling catches my attention and I leave the bed, going to the living room. There she stands in the doorway, looking fed up and tired. Poor babe. She looks to me and gives a weak smile, and I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her.

Hugging me back she sighs, nuzzling herself into my chest, her favorite thing. I kiss the top of her head, holding my lips against her hair for a moment. She looks up to me and gives me a peck. I think I'm gonna need a little more than that. I pick her up and carry her to the bed, her legs wrapping around me as she hangs onto my neck.

"You had me worried you know," I say lowly.

"I know babe, I won't work too late like that anymore, I should have just saved it for tomorrow," she tells me.

"I thought you said you had one more thing to do huh? Then you made me wait for another two hours," I say, making sure to up the sexiness in my voice. I toss her on the bed playfully, and she squeals, smiling at me. "You've been bad, hon. I think you need to serve some time," I tell her with a smirk, my hand reaching behind me to the dresser.

"Oh, now I couldn't have done anything that bad," she says innocently. I yank the handcuffs off the dresser and dangle them in her face.

"Oh, yes you did. Kept me waiting, got me worried, called Ryan Gosling hot the other day. I could go on, babe." She rolls her eyes and looks away with a smile. "Hands behind your back." Automatically, she turns around, showing me her back with her hands near her ass.

"Go easy officer, I'm just an innocent girl," she jokes. I cuff her quickly and slap her ass.

"We'll see how innocent you are when you're screaming for more cock," I tell her. "Face down, ass up." I watch as she lays down and tucks in her knees, sticking it up in my face, her arms still behind her back.

I place my hands underneath her,unzipping her pants and pulling them down, just enough to show me what I need to see. Fuck, she's so hot like this. I don't think I can wait any longer.


"That's officer to you," I cut her off. I crouch slightly, leveling my face with her pussy. I take my tongue and give it a big stroke, making sure to stimulate her clit. Her taste, it's so addicting. "Well Mrs. Kennedy, it looks like you're already soaking for me. How naughty of you, getting so wet so quick."

I hear a muffled whine and smirk to myself. I drop my pants and underwear, taking my cock in my hand. I give it a few pumps and place the tip against her entrance, smearing my pre and mixing it in with her juices.

"Mm please," she begs. I just love hearing that voice.

"Give me a little more begging than that, come on," I say, rubbing my tip on her clit.

"Officer please, give me your cock," she whines. Good enough.

I plunge my whole length in and she moans, shoving her face in the pillow to muffle it. I start with slow, deep thrusts, keeping my hands gripped on her ass. Hot damn she's tight. I can feel her cervix, god I just wanna hit it again and again. I want her moaning for more, louder than she is now.

"How's it feel to get dicked down by a policeman babe? You love it?" She responds with a loud moan, and shoves her ass back on my cock. I toss my head back and slap her ass. "Ah, god, you're so fucking bad. Gonna take more? Yeah, you will," I groan.

My speed picks up and I grab the chain between her wrists, pulling tight as I fuck deeper and faster. Damn I'm loving this, I might just have to go more than a couple rounds.

I listen to the lewd sounds filling the room and focus on the feeling she's giving me. I can only imagine how good she's feeling.

"Please let me cum," she moans out.

"Go ahead, cum all you want," I tell her. "But that means I'm cumming all I want too."

Immediately her body begins shaking,  her walls tightening around me. I'm on edge already, fuck, I don't think I can hold back. I keep thrusting, helping her ride out her orgasm as my own starts to begin, the familiar feeling in my spine coming back.

I feel my load coat the inside of her, some going directly past her cervix, some flooding the entrance of her. Her body goes limp as I pull out, and I take the cuffs off. She turns around and looks at me, but I can't take my eyes off the little cream pie I gave her.

"Proud of yourself, officer Kennedy?" She asks, smirking. So what if I am?

"Not until I do that a few times over. Justice hasn't been served quite yet."

Ok here's a little one hope it was aight ♥️ (apologies for the bad picture, here's another to make up for it)

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