Piers Nivans x Reader

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I hope I did ok on this one, I've never been a Piers Stan but thanks to thatslxtm1ckii and vkxhanl for recommending!


"Come on, we have to help them!" You shout, trying to drag your partner Piers along with you to fight a BOW. He doesn't budge, and you turn to him, letting go of his wrist.

"Are you crazy? That thing will kill you!! Chris and his buddy can take care of it," he says, trying to convince you to stay behind. You turn back and watch as the monster jumps around the fire lit shipping crate yard, trying to target anyone he can.

"No way. They need help, what else are we here for? Let's go!" You begin to take off, but he catches you by the hand.

"Don't be wreckless, and stay cautious, got it?" You nod, happy he's decided to come with you. Although Piers was a fighter, and a damn good one, he chose his battles. There were certain circumstances where he didn't feel the need to intervene or cause more trouble, and he demonstrated that through your relationship with him.

Unfortunately for you, you only had a professional relationship with him. Yes, you were partners. Yes, you trusted each other with your lives, and simultaneously got along. But that was all it was, and you kept your true feelings buried deep.

Sometimes they'd show through, and you could tell he'd pick up on it, but he remained professional. Those are the times when your heart would hurt most.

"This way, we'll flank him," you say. Piers follows, keeping close behind you as you make your way behind the massive BOW.

Chris and his friends attacked the BOW with all they had, but quickly ran out of ammo. The time was right, and you picked it to strike.

Jumping down from a metal crate above, you held the blade of your knife out and stabbed it into his back, releasing a roar from him. As your weight came down, the sharp knife sliced through his skin, creating a nasty gash down his back.

You landed with a roll and Piers backed you up, shooting a full magazine into the monster. You began to do the same when it turned to face you.

"Watch out!"

A giant hand comes your way, and you quickly evade with a side roll. As you start to stand back up, you fail to see the other hand swinging towards you. You're struck, backhanded by the giant.

You let go of your gun as your body flies sideways, slamming into another crate, and falling down a level to the ground.

You barely hear as Chris and Piers scream your name, but the wind got knocked out of you and your ears are ringing. Something wet covers your mouth and chin as you're struggling to breathe on all fours, and red drips onto your hands.

A pair of hands gently grabs you by your sides, and you're laid on their lap. Still catching your breath, your hearing comes back, gunshots reaching your senses before his shaky voice does.

"Can you hear me? Hey, hey look at me," Piers says. Your eyes float over to him, your gaze going from the sky to his worried face.

You try to speak, but nothing comes out, your voice failing you. You blink, acknowledging him. He brings a hand to your cheek, wiping away blood from your lips.

"Please be okay, please," he says quietly.

"Piers, what happened?" Chris says, running up to the two of you.

"She- she got hit, she's hardly responding and-"

"Hey, just calm down. She'll be alright. Take her to the helicopter, watch her."

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