Infinite Darkness Leon x Reader

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Fight me, but infinite Darkness Leon is probably one of my favorites, he's just so gorgeous. NSFW

"Y/n. Come here. Now." Leon commands. Straight across from you, the pilot of the submarine you were in was bleeding out, throat sliced. You stand in silence, too shocked to move. What in the hell is going on here? This is no virus. This is murder.

Hands grip your waist and you're hauled over Leon's shoulder at the hip, his hands now gripping the backs of your thighs. He finds an empty break room and rushes in, slamming the door behind him. Gently, he sets you on the counter, and stays close to your body, facing you.

"What in the fuck is going on?" You whisper, a panicked look in your eye. His gloved hands grasp your face to capture your attention.

"Baby, I have no idea. I promise you we'll make it out of here, and find out who's doing all of this," he whispers back. It's probably best to keep things quiet, never know who's listening.

"We need to get into the escape pod. I don't think it's too far, we can make it," you say more confidently. Leon plants a chaste kiss to your lips and leans back.

"That's my girl. Now come on, let's find that pod," he says. You nod, and suddenly the lights shut off. Red emergency lights fill the darkness, and a siren begins to blare. "Two things. Don't panic, and don't freeze up. Just keep your eyes on me and copy my movements, ok?"

"Yes sir," you reply. He drops his hands from your face and pulls out his pistol as you hop off the counter and pull yours out as well. I didn't think being his work partner would lead to shit hitting the fan so quick... The things I do to be with this man.

The both of you sprint down the hall, and get through several metal doors. However, Leon's sprint comes to a halt and you run into his back. An arm goes out telling you to stay back. Peering around his body, you see a small rat in the middle of the hall. Covered in blood. Eating flesh. You've got to be kidding me!

A bullet pierces through it and it falls, dead. Leon lowers his weapon and motions for you to follow slowly. Both of you walk into the next hall, and find it full of rats and loose electrical wires sparking on the ground.

"Wish I had some cheese," Leon says.

"And a few traps," you add. He silently huffs in a laugh, and quickly backs up to you.

"Baby, you still got that water pack on you?"

"Yep," you say, taking it off and giving it to him. The rats are inching forward, not taking full charge yet. He tosses the pack and shoots it, the water spraying everywhere on the floor where the rats were.

The sparks go wild, electrocuting all the rats in the water. A hand grabs yours and pulls your attention away. Leon is tugging at you, silently telling you to follow him. Guess we'll find a new way out.

After running and shutting out the rats with a metal door, you find yourself in the room with the escape pods. It seems like the other two who had accompanied you were already waiting, and all of you safely made it out in the pods, you and Leon going together.


Hours later, you and Leon were in a hotel room, trying to find how you can get back to where your mission was originally assigned. You laid on the bed, showered and in nothing but a towel as Leon steps out of the bathroom, only a towel around his waist.

He crawls up on the bed and collapses on you, making you grunt once his full weight crushes you. Your arms wrap around him and trace his back muscles, and he sighs into your chest. Leon says something but he's muffled by your barely covered breasts, making you giggle.

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