Jake Muller x Reader

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King and queen AU, trying something new!

"Darling?" You call out from bed, seeing your husband burst through the door, exhausted. He looks up to you and the pain in his eyes slightly fades, but his hand grips his side and you rush towards him. "What happened?"

"A little accident in training, that's all. Come on, let's get to bed," he says, trying to shut down your worries.

"I'm taking you to the infirmary," you demand.

"No, I just came from there. They stitched me up, said I need rest," he says, looking to you as you take his free arm around your shoulder, supporting him.

"And no one even escorted you? You're hunched in pain, Jake." Your tone had a hint of anger in your worry.

"It's fine, babe. I told them not to." You help him sit on the bed and then kneel in front of him to look up at him.

"No more rejecting assistance. If you need it, take it. There's no reason to struggle like this," you explain, a pleading look in your eye. He gives you a soft look but then it drips as he looks away.

"A king does not need help," he mumbles. You stand and kiss his temple, your hand holding his.

"But every king is still a human," you whisper. He turns back, your faces cheek to cheek.

"I love you," he whispers into your ear.

"And I love you just the same, my king."

"Oh come on," he says quietly, leaning back and looking directly into your eyes. "Don't be so formal with me. After all, we've done the most informal things you can think of right here in this bed." You smile as he pulls you into his lap, your body perpendicular with his.

"Jake! You dog, be careful!"

"Dog? I'm more than that aren't I? Or do you call me that because I love licking you up," he teases. Rolling your eyes, you bury your face into the crook of his neck. He laughs and holds you close. "I'm only kidding, babe. You ready for some sleep?"

"I suppose. What I'd really like to know is what went on that got you injured. You only trained for what, 5 minutes?" He sighs and lays down in the bed, taking you with him. You lay on his uninjured side, your legs crossed over his.

"Night training is mandatory. I need to learn to fight without seeing. Unfortunately, as soon as I started, I got a little cut from the sword, that's it. I'm alright, I promise." His breathing is deep and even, and you can tell he's just wanting to let it go.

"Okay," you respond. "I trust your word."

"Thank you," he whispers, giving your head a kiss. You look up and his lips delicately place themselves against yours, igniting that flame between the two of you. Truly, you loved this man. And he loved you just the same. It didn't matter where he came from, or that he's slain many a man. Nothing could take him from you, and absolutely nothing could get you from his lover's grasp. "Babe?"

"Yes darling?"

"Would you train with me?"


"Please, I believe in you. I'd only be comfortable if you were trained by me, of course. But you could be a warrior, fight alongside me. Think about it, two royals, kicking ass together."

"Do you really think I could?"

"Yes. I do. There's a place for your kind of smarts on the field, and it's right next to me. You have incredible strategy skills, and you learn quick. Wouldn't you want to be out there with me, rather than wait at home for me to come back?" You take a moment to think, giving the thought more consideration. You give Jake another small kiss on the lips and smile.

"I agree with you. I need to learn to defend myself, at least." His eyes light up and he squeezes you tight.

"Yes! Let's start tomorrow then, first thing in the morning," he says excitedly.

"Woah there, you must heal still. How about we take it slow? Show me very basic things first, ok?"

"Fine. I guess I wouldn't mind taking my time with someone so beautiful." You giggle and nuzzle into him.

"You're cute," you say.

"Cute? I'm your handsome, sexy, talented warrior husband. I don't have time to be cute," he jokes.

"Whatever you say," you tease.

"What was that?" He says, his hand creeping towards your stomach.

"You heard me." Suddenly, his hand tenses and begins tickling you, making you squeal with laughter, regretting the words you said. "No! You're my sexy warrior husband!" He doesn't stop, and you keep giggling.

"You forgot handsome," he tells you.

"And you're handsome!" He still tickles you relentlessly. "Please!"

"And talented?"

"And talenteeeeed!"

There you go just a little short and sweet one, hope it was cute

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