Carlos Oliveira x Reader

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Ugh, work sucked today. You flop on the couch, wanting nothing but good food, a shower, and your boyfriend.

"Shit day?" He asks.

"Same old, same old," you reply.

"Aw, sweetie, it's alright. How about we have a chill night, eat leftovers, and you can take a hot bath?"


"Alright, I'll go get the food heated up ok?" He says standing, planting a kiss on the top of your head.


"Yeah baby?" He says, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. You admire him, his back muscles exposed in his loose tank top.

"How are you so amazing?"

"I ask myself the same thing about you every morning when we wake up," he responds, not even turning around. You look away as you feel your face heat up and can't hide a big toothy smile. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too, hon."


The bath runs, and you pour in your favorite scented salts. Ah, I can't wait. I've needed this for a while.

You sink in, feeling the hot water instantly soothe your skin. Leaning back, you close your eyes and let the sensation relax you. Your mind clears, letting go of work stress, adult life, and anything putting an ounce of weight on your shoulders.

I forgot my clothes.

"Baaaaaby! Can you bring me some clothes?" No response is heard. "Caaarloooooos!! Please?"

You open your eyes and sit up. There in the doorway was Carlos, leaning against the frame. Shirtless, with nothing but a pair of briefs on. And hanging out of his mouth... your panties.

"Oh, wow," you whisper. His takes your under out of his mouth and swings it around on one finger, walking towards you.

"Looking for these, baby girl?" He says, kneeling down beside the tub.

"Yes, thank you, just place em on the counter," you say with a smile.

"Woah, not so fast. You're going to have to earn these."

"Wh- Carlos..." Tonight is going to be a long night.

"Oh come on, I wouldn't let you have it that easy, you know that." You give him puppy eyes, already mentally begging for him to go easy. "You want an easy night?"


"Okay then, I'll make it easy," he says, getting up and setting your panties on the counter. He comes back and stands at the edge of the tub, looking down at you. From your angle, his bulging cock is getting in the way of your view of his face. "Spread your legs."

Instantly you feel yourself heat up, and you obey his words. You turn to face him and slowly spread your legs, the view of his favorite body part put on display.

"There's a good girl." He grips his bulge, palming himself in anticipation. You bite your lip, amused at his fascination with you and your body. "Now, play with that little clit for me."

Your hand glides through the water and finds your personal sweet spot, and you lightly moan at the feeling. For a moment your eyes close, and your spine is coated with chills from the sensation your own hand is giving you.

When you open them, Carlos is flinging his dick out, and immediately begins to stroke it, his eyes on where your hand is.

"Baby," you whisper.

"Not another word, unless you want me to take it out on that pussy. I only want moans out of your mouth, got that?"

"Mmph," you let out, nodding. Your fingers dance in circles around your pearl, sending waves of pleasure through you. "O-oh, ahh!"

"Getting close?" You nod. He strokes himself faster, and he has so much precum from just looking at you it's making his cock slick. "Cum when I do, okay babygirl?" He grunts out.

I can't take this anymore, I have to rest. If I don't, I'll finish. The movement of the water stops with you, and you watch as his brows furrow.

"I didn't tell you to fucking stop. Keep going," he commands. You bite your lip to stop yourself from talking, and your fingers get back to work.

Once again, you feel yourself on the edge of release, but you hold back. Your eyelids droop as you so badly wish to shut them and feel the pleasure course through you, but instead your vision is fixated on his face. His eyelids are heavy as well, and he's nearly drooling like a dog, thirsty for you.

"Oh god, that look," he groans. "That's it, fuck- cumming!" Finally, sweet release. Your body shakes with an amazing feeling, all the tension in your body evaporating with every flick of your fingers. You keep eye contact with him as you finish, and his cum shoots all over your chest and into the water.

Both of you catch your breaths slightly, and he kneels down beside you. Carlos reaches his hand out and pets your head, and kisses your lips lightly.

"Good job, babygirl. Thank you," he whispers.

"Hah, thank you too," you whisper back.

"Might need to wash off my happy juice," he jokes.

"Yeah, no shit," you smile with a laugh. He laughs with you and takes off his underwear and hops in, making a splash. "Carlos!"

"What? Sharing is caring!"

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