Carlos Oliveira x Reader

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To preface this, this one shot is gonna be completely out of the storyline and I'm making this entirely random lol... Also fluff to NSFW

"Hey babe, I'm ba-" You stop yourself, seeing Carlos knocked out on the living room couch as you enter your apartment. Poor thing, he never gets rest. I'll be quiet and let him sleep, just for a while.

"Mmph, that you, sugar?" He mumbles, half asleep.

"Yeah, it's me. Shh, go back to sleep," you whisper, setting your things down and walking over to him.

"C'mere, need you to sleep good," he says, reaching his arms out for you. Once you get close enough he pulls you in, and you quickly catch yourself by wrapping a leg around him, using the grip of your thighs to steady you. His arms wrap around you, and you get comfortable on top of him while his hands rub your back gently.

Your face snuggles into his scruff, and you smile against him. God I missed this, and I just saw him this morning. I could do this forever.


"Yeah babe?"

"You're mine forever?"

"And ever. I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too, my handsome scruffy," you whisper.

He huffs, and his hands move to your thighs, gently massaging them. Damn, I think he's awake now, but he's putting me to sleep so quick.

"I'm sorry I woke you," you comment.

"Don't be, I'd been sleeping since you left. Your scruffy man needs to get up anyway," he laughs.

"Mm, I wanna stay like this. Please?" You ask softly, almost in a cute and begging tone.

"Fine with me," he says. "Maybe in a while we can try something," he says. Already, you were getting sleepy, his working hands calming you.

"Try something?" You mumble.

"Shh, get some rest, you've had a long day. I'll go back to sleep too, if it makes you happy."

"Mkay babe," you whisper. Swiftly, you drifted off to sleep, putting a long day behind you, getting exactly what you'd been wanting all day.

An hour later you awoke to find that Carlos had carried you to your bed, most likely to give each other more room. He was cuddled up behind you, being the big spoon as always. You shut your eyes again, listening to the sounds around you.

His deep, even breathing, the air of his breath hitting your ear. The quiet thump of his calm heartbeat. You could feel him so close, and the comfort this gave you was like no other. No hot cup of tea and a good book on a rainy day could compare to this, not even close.

Except, right now, you wanted more. You wanted to be even closer to him. I want to make his heart race, the heat in his body rise, his breath fasten. I need him.

Slowly, you turned over in his arms, facing him. Draping a leg over his waist, you carefully laid him on his back, causing him to stir. You sat on top of him, caressing his hair out of his face. Feeling him beneath you ignited your fire, and you slowly grinded on him, your hands planting themselves on his bare chest.

"Mmm, oh," he moaned in his sleep. How cute. Continuing your motions, you could feel him getting hard beneath you. These basketball shorts don't do much for concealment, do they? Quietly you leaned down to him, your mouth next to his ear.

"Carlos, babe," you whisper. He groans again, and you grip his pecs. "Mind if I satisfy us?"

"Ah, c'mon sugar, give it to me," he says half asleep. That's all the permission I need.

You sit back upright, his eyes finally opening. You take your shirt off and see how he watches in amazement, grabbing your hips and guiding you to keep going. As you grind on him, he snaps off your bra in an instant, and begins working on your pants.

"What did you want to try?" You ask with a bite of your lip. He flips you over, his body in between yours, his hands sliding off your pants and underwear in one go. He throws it to the side, admiring your naked beauty.

"Well, if you agree, maybe I won't pull out tonight," he suggests, massaging your thighs. Your eyes widen, but a smile still stays on your face.

"Is 90% effectiveness of birth control okay with you?"

"I'll take my chances," he says calmly.

"Then I'll take mine too." Carlos smiles, that charm making you melt like you just saw it for the first time. He strips himself of his clothes, and you kiss each other with smiles plastered on. I couldn't imagine trusting anyone else like this. I'm so lucky to have him.

His hands find their way to your hips and flip you over once again, this time you're on your hands and knees. One of his hands glides down your spine and gently pushes your upper body into the pillows.

"Face down, ass up, ok babe? I'll make you feel amazing, I promise."

"Okay," you respond.

"Need any warming up?"

"No, please, just fuck me senseless," you whine.

"Poor thing, tough day huh? Just need some cock to relax you?" You whine once again, and he presses his tip against your entrance. Slightly pushing your ass back makes him breathily laugh, and he listens.

He slowly wedges his cock inside you, a long moan coming from your mouth. He groans, and pushes until he reaches the hilt. Moving his hands to your ass cheeks, he grips them tightly and spreads them apart, exposing you and your stretched hole to him.

"Fuck, Carlos, agh," you moan, muffled by the pillows.

"Damn, you're wet babe," he says. "I'm gonna fuck you till you're dripping our juices out." Without another word, he pulls his cock almost out and snaps his hips back, slamming into your cervix. The pleasure overcame you, and you got lost in him, as he got lost in you.

Over and over, he pounded you, gave you praise, and made you moan. His groans filled your ears, making you further drown in pleasure.

"Carlos, I'm going to cum," you whine.

"Yeah babe? Come on, cum for me. You've earned it, taking my cock so well." He says, his hands still grasping your ass with bruising force.

You motivated him to go faster, harder, and please you like never before. All he wanted was to hear your satisfaction, feel it around his cock, and satisfy himself in you.

In no time, your body shook, finishing while he relentlessly demolished you, his love for you on the front of your mind as you orgasmed. The moans coming from your mouth, the tightening of your muscles around him, the feeling of your skin against his, it nearly pushed him over the edge as well.

But, he constrained himself. His hands traveled to your waist, his palms grabbing at your sides and his fingers digging into your lower belly. More force was applied downward to your body, and you stuck your ass farther out for him. Somehow, you felt even better, and moaned higher.

His upper body tilted forward, his lips grazing your shoulder blades as he kept going, his pace never slowing. You could tell he was getting close, you didn't even need to hear him groan it.

"FUCK," he let out. Seconds after, his thrusts became sloppy and a warm feeling spread into your body. Holy shit, is this what it feels like? I could use this a lot more often.

Carlos made sure every last drop was squeezed out of him before pulling out and watching your body fall. You slumped into the bed, and he did the same on top of you.

"Baaabe, you're crushing me!" You giggle.

"Oh no, guess you're stuck with me," he says sarcastically. He kisses your head, and whispers that he loves you in your ear. You say the same, and he gets up and lays next to you. Snuggling up into his arms, you lay your head on his chest and listen to his racing heart.

"Goodnight, sugar" he whispers.

"Goodnight, Carlos."

Hope y'all like it! Thanks so much for the kindness ❤️

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