Carlos Oliveira x Chris Redfield x Reader

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NSFW (Threesome)

"How long is this movie again?" Carlos asks Chris quietly. You've fallen asleep during the friend hangout turned movie night, as the movie bored you to pieces and you were extremely tired.

"There's still another hour and a half," he whispers. His eyes fall on you, asleep on Carlos's shoulder, hair fallen over your face. "She's knocked out huh?"

"Yeah, poor girl's had a long day. I have too if I'm being honest," Carlos says, leaning his head atop yours, eyes drifting to the screen. Although you two weren't officially a thing, you were close, same with you and Chris. Hugs and shoulder pats were common, and on occasion one of them would wrap an arm around you for just a moment to cheer you up.

Chris turns his head, feeling bad seeing the two of you so worn out. His face softens and he pauses the movie, catching Carlos's attention.

"You two want to stay the night? It's late anyway, and I don't think you're fit to drive either," Chris says, remembering you've all had a few drinks and the day was weighing down on you.

"I wouldn't mind, thanks Chris. I should get her in bed soon too."

"Just put her in mine for now," Chris offers. Carlos's eyes squint a little, a small smile coming onto his face.

"Don't go getting ideas now," he jokes.

"Wouldn't want to start anything without you," Chris jokes back. Or, was he joking? The way he said it could be taken either way. "My bed is yours too, I'll be out here for a while longer."

"Hell yeah, Alaskan king here I come," Carlos nods. Chris chuckles and shakes his head, lowering his eyes.

Carlos then taps your hand, waking you up to go to the bed. Your eyes flutter open and you whine, the disruption of your sleep upsetting you.

"Come on, let's get you in bed," he whispers, wrapping an arm around your back. He stands, scooping you up into his hold. Naturally, you wrap your arms around his neck and cuddle into him as he walks you to the room. "Such a cuddle bug aren't you," he whispers, kissing the top of your head.

Was it ok to go that far? Was it even ok that he was carrying you? He didn't know, but he knew he wanted more.

As he lays you down, Chris watches from the doorway, smiling at how cute the two of you were. The way Carlos gently puts the covers over you, pats your head and tells you "sweet dreams".

"She seems to like you a lot," Chris comments.

"She likes you too, you know," he responds. Chris shakes his head.

"Not like that, I can assure you."

"And I can assure you, she does. I'll even get her to prove it," Carlos says, a suggestive tone in his voice. Chris walks in, smirking.

"Is that so?"

Meanwhile, they had no idea that you had in fact not fallen back asleep, but were listening to their conversation. A blush dusted your cheeks as you heard their words. It was true, you liked both of them just the same.

Next thing you knew, you heard the two of them kissing. You slowly sat up, a shocked expression on your face as you watched. Carlos catches you out of the corner of his eye and turns to you, a naughty grin on his face.

"What, want some too, princess?"

Your jaw closes shut, lips curling.

"I think she does," Chris says. "Come here, don't be shy." He gestures you with two fingers to come to them, and you listen, crawling to the edge of the bed.

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