RE4 Leon Kennedy x Reader (Part 3)

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The cork of the vial popped off as Leon opened it to take out the herb. He shook it into his palm, seeing the leaves were half dry and slightly flaked when he picked them up between his fingers. Looking to you, he stood between your legs as you sat on the small table and raised his fingers that were full of green.


Your mouth opens, slightly surprised that he was feeding you. Regardless, you were not opposed to that fact. He pushes the dry herbs into your mouth, and you close and chew, feeling the leaves turn to mush. The whole time his eyes bore into yours, his amusion obvious in his gaze. His hand still hovers near your mouth as you swallow and you open it to say something. Before you get a word out, he presses his thumb to your tongue, the flakes of leaves transferring to your taste buds. The rest of his fingers grip your chin, your jaw fully in his grasp.

"Lick up the rest. Can't risk it not working, can we?" He asks seductively. Your breathing hitches, and you feel yourself begin to get even more aroused. Slowly, you lick upwards, the skin of his thumb feeling smooth against your tongue. "That's it, lap at it sweetie."

You can't help but make a light moaning noise, causing him to bite his lip. After several licks, he pulls you to him by your jaw, his thumb hooked on your bottom teeth. You look up into his eyes, the lust radiating off of him.

"H-hey," you whisper, trying to get any words out.

"Hey. Think you could do something else with this cute little mouth for me?" Ah fuck, how can I say no to this man?

 Think you could do something else with this cute little mouth for me?" Ah fuck, how can I say no to this man?

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"Uhuh," you moan.

"Uhuh, yeah? You wanna get on your knees for me sweetie? I'd love to feel that pretty throat," he says lowly and sweetly. He lets you go, and watches as you slide off the table and sink to your knees. "So eager, I bet you were thinking about this too, weren't you?"
You nod slowly, and he chuckles.



"Can I take your pants off?"

"You can do whatever you want. But only if I can do whatever I want. Is that a deal?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now, get to work. We don't have time to waste, do we?" You shake your head and bring your hands to his belt, looking way up at him to see his smirk. You undo the buckle and let it fall, the metal sounds turning you on like crazy. Getting to his button you slowly and gently undo it, and before you can get to his zipper he already makes a command. Taking you by the back of your head he smashes your face into his crotch, the length of his cock obvious through his pants. "With your teeth," he says.

He releases your head and you lick up the zipper to find it's handle and flick it up with your tongue. Using your teeth you bite onto it and keep eye contact, his large pecs almost in the way of being able to see his face. Slowly you drag it down, the zipper making the quietest sound as it glides open. Once you're done you unclench your teeth and slide his pants down, seeing his tight briefs suffocating his hard length.

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