Damnation Leon x Reader

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I just read a drunk Leon os and I need to do my take lmao

"Figured I'd find you here," you say, walking up to the bar. There sat your long time coworker Leon Kennedy, on his who knows what glass of bourbon, seeing as it's 5 pm. He turns and scowls at you.

"Interrupting my vacation, partner?"

"Nope. Joining it, if you don't mind," you say sitting down, waving at the bartender with a sweet smile. Your gaze misses the furrow of his brow from seeing you smile like that at someone else. "I'll take a Manhattan."

"Put that on my tab," he says. "If you're joining me, welcome along. You're starting off vacation the right way," he jokes.

"Thanks. You do anything else besides drink?" His eyes meet yours and he smiles.

"Sure, if you let me show you." He winks, and you smirk sarcastically, hiding the secret butterflies in your stomach.

"Very funny, Kennedy. I'll be here to take you home, I'm limiting you to two more drinks." The bartender slides you your drink and you take it, never breaking eye contact as you sip.

"That's it?"

"I know damn well you've been here since 11 am, so yes. 'that's it'," you say, mocking him with your last words.

"Fine. But we're going to my place," he demands.

"Because you have more alcohol there?" You tilt your head.

"Because I want to take your pretty ass home. Also, there's alcohol." You scoff and roll your eyes, taking another sip. He calls for another drink, and immediately turns back to you. "Come on, we can have a little fun. We're off the clock, ain't we?"

"You're drunk, Leon," you say with little emotion.

"Whether I'm drunk or not you're eyecatching. You're taking me home, might as well stay, right?"

"Whatever you say," you tell him as your eyes float to the TV, his still lingering on you. Did he say I'm attractive to him?

"How's your time off been?" He asks, trying to get you to open up more.

"Shitty." It didn't work.

"Come on, you can talk to me. We're here to drink the past away, get it all out." You sigh and take another sip as he drinks his newly full glass, and decide to suck it up and talk.

"You know it's not too fun being alone with nothing to do," you start. "I understand why you're here so often, although I don't exactly agree with it."

"At least you're nice about it. Chris... Not so much," he laughs. You giggle, thinking back to all the lectures about drinking he's given Leon, meanwhile he secretly took lots of smoke breaks.

"Yeah. I don't know, it's just been hard." Your words stop, and your gaze looks far off. He tilts his head and his lips thin, feeling bad for you. He hated seeing you like this, it drained him of whatever energy he had left.

"I'm here for company, you know. We're partners, we stick together." You look up to him and grin.

"Well, I'm stuck like glue then."

"Doesn't bother me, beautiful." He returns the grin.

"Would you cut that out?" You say half jokingly.

"Can't I give a lady a compliment?"

"Can't you hold your alcohol?"

"Oh ho ho, someone's mad. I'll keep my hands to myself, I promise," He says.

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