RE4 Leon Kennedy x Reader

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The premise is that you're Ashley's friend and happened to get taken along with her, and Leon is taking care of you both. You've been incredibly quiet the entire mission, besides small conversations with Ashley here and there. Also, I recommend listening to an angry Deftones song to this when shit gets good 💀

"You doing okay?" He asks you. You look to him and nod, trying to give a soft smile. He lets Ashley walk ahead slightly, keeping an eye on her as he walks beside you. "Not much of a talker?"

"Don't have anything to say, really. Just trying to focus on staying safe." He looks back to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Please, don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything. It's my job to make sure you're alright. But... I'm not going to force you to talk or anything."

"Thanks," you say, looking to him with a sweet expression. He smiles lightly, dropping his hand. You decide to reassure him that you're ok, starting conversation. "How's your hand doing?"

"Oh, it's fine. These herbs really do the trick. I'm just hoping none of us separate again." You nod, looking to Ashley.


"Everything is going to be okay," he whispers.

"I know. We're just not there quite yet."

"Leon!" Ashley shouts, looking up towards a balcony. A man with a flaming arrow loaded in his crossbow shoots before Leon spots him. Instinctively, you grab him by his vest strap and yank him out of harm's way, his full body stumbling towards you. The arrow barely misses him, sticking into the ground where he once stood.

In an instant, he shot the enemy down, turning to you, who was still gripping onto his vest without realizing.

"You can let go," he says with a smirk.

"Shit, sorry," you say, releasing your death grip.

"Don't apologize for saving my life. Thanks, by the way." His eyes captivate you, a small blush appearing on your cheeks. His eyes flick to your lips, but only briefly before he looks to Ashley to check on her. He steps away for a moment, turning his back to you.

With your focus on them, the dirty hand around your mouth and the arm around your waist catches you off guard. You release a muffled scream, being lifted off the ground from behind.

The two turn with scared expressions, Leon's mouth opening as he screams your name, grabbing his gun. With him unable to get a clear shot, you're left to your own devices to get yourself out of the enemies grasp as they take you away.

Lifting your legs, you swing them up and slam them back to the ground, creating enough momentum to tilt your body forward and throw the enemy over your shoulder. Next thing you know, bullets have pierced their head and you're standing free.

You lock eyes with Leon, his face showing relief and pride, impressed with your self defense abilities.

"MOVE!" Ashley shouts, and you step back, looking up as a metal gate slams down in front of you. Leon sprints to you, his hands wrapping around the bars and shaking the gate.

"You're going to be fine, I promise. I'll get you out-" his words are cut off by Spanish yelling, and you turn, seeing a flood of enemies behind you. He aims his pistol, shooting through the bars taking a few down, clearing a path. "Run! Find a safe place ,we'll wait here!" You nod, giving him a quick nod as you sprint past enemies, sliding underneath their weapons.

Not having a clue where you're going, you sprint down the hall, running into more enemies. You're sandwiched alright. The gunshots from Leon's pistol cease, and you look both ways, finding no exit. He's out of sight, so he can't help you any longer.

An idea pops in your head, and you jump, grabbing a hold of the light fixture on the wall. You use your feet to climb, hanging above them.

One of them doesn't pay attention, and you kick off, tackling him with all your force. You grab his mace, swinging it as the ball with spikes impales his face. Immediately, you yank it from his head and swing it over your shoulder, knocking two others back. A machete drops from one of their hands.

In Leon's words, rain or shine, they're goin down.

You grab the massive knife, wielding it as your back hits the wall. Taking a big swing, the blade makes contact with one's neck, slicing the head clean off.

"Dont fuck with me," You mumble, stabbing another, the blade going straight through him. A small opening appears, and you take the opportunity to run once again.

You run into a stray who left the pack, his scythe unexpectedly being swung at you. Quickly ducking, you swing around as you're crouched, coming up behind him and impaling him. You slide the knife out of the wound cavity, the slick of blood coating your face in droplets. More blood covers your front, some on your legs.

You pick up the scythe, looking to the remaining enemies, an angry look on your face. Making the first move, you jump and hook a neck into the curved blade, using the momentum to slice it through as you kick the now headless body back, knocking others down. You spot dynamite in one of their hands, the time running out.

Before they can get back up, it blows. Blood and disgusting plaga coat you, your face and arms dripping with their remains. You look to the few remaining, not even knowing your kill count at this point. Before you make a rash decision out of bloodlust and hate, you run.

Voices calling your name echo down the hall. You turn a corner, running into a similar gate as the one you ran from. This one has a door, and a small keyhole. On the other side, Leon and Ashley stand, in awe at the sight of you. No words come from their mouths, but Leon's eyes flick to the men running up behind you.

Catching the signal, you turn and raise the scythe above your head, shoving the tip into the cranium of one. Before you get the chance to take the blade back for yourself, another gets too close for your liking. You kick him, knocking him into a wall, the torch holder cracking his head open, body sinking and tumbling to the floor.

In your peripheral, Leon puts his gun down, Ashley standing in shock next to him.

The last one stands facing you as you release the weapon, and you drag it on the ground, looking to him. He lunges, trying to strike you, but you dodge and catch his legs in the hook of the blade, causing him to fall. You raise your leg and stomp on his head, his skull caving in. You look up, checking to make sure no more enemies come from the hall.

A metal clank by your feet catches your attention, and you drop the scythe, picking up the gold key.

"Oh my god, what happened? We heard an explosion and -" you look to her, a slightly irritated expression on your face. She stops, putting her hands up as you unlock the door. "You're ok?"

"Yeah, it's not my blood, don't worry." You smirk, opening up the gate. Leon looks down at you impressed, patting your back. "Nothing to say?" He chuckles, his hand leaving you.

"A lot, actually. But for now, yeah, I'm quiet."

"Where the hell did you even get those skills from?" Ashley asks.

"Dunno, just didn't wanna die I guess," you say, shrugging your shoulders.

"You took on all those guys with no weapon of your own and managed to walk away without a scratch?" Leon asks.

"Oh, yeah. Not them though, haha."

"Jesus, you should be doing his job." She says. You look to him and he slightly nods, smirking at you.

"Maybe I will."

One year later

"Ready partner?" Leon puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him.

"Yes, stupid," you say, slightly embarrassed from the PDA. He kisses your head, smiling to himself.

"Make me proud," he says. You roll your eyes, leaning into him.

"I always have."

"Since day one babe, always."

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