Albert Wesker x Reader

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Cuddly Wesker, happy and safe relationship. Fluff warning.

"My love, what would you-" Wesker cuts himself off, seeing the tears stream down your face. It hurt his heart seeing you cry, especially when he didn't know you were feeling that way, shut in the room. "Darling, darling what's wrong?"

He walks over to you, sitting on the edge of the bed with you. Not another second passes and you're in his embrace, crying onto his shoulder. His hand strokes your back, attempting to soothe your uneven breathing and sniffling.

"Shh, it's okay love," he whispers. You lean into him further, and he allows you to lay in his lap, facing away from him. He gently scoops your hair from your face and wipes a tear. His other hand is massaging your scalp, attempting to lower the speeding pace of your heartbeat. "What has got you like this?"

"I'm okay," you whisper. "It's just..."

"You can tell me, it's okay. I'm here to listen."

"My friend is in the hospital suddenly, that's all," you manage to say. He sighs, a pained expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry my darling," he whispers. "The shock can hit very hard. Do you wish to tell me more?"

"They're okay. They will be, at least. It's nothing serious, just scary," you cry. He bends over and kisses a tear away.

"I know it's frustrating when there's nothing to do about it. All that needs to happen is for us to let time heal them. If we could all have what we wished for in an instant, the world would be chaos. Things will take their course. Your friend will be okay, I promise."

"Thank you, honey," you sniffle. He kisses your cheek once again, keeping his strong arms around you.

"Whatever they're feeling will pass. And your tears will too, love. All things heal, whether it be our bodies or hearts. It just takes a painstaking amount of time."

"I feel so useless," you say.

"Please, don't say that. You're quite the opposite, you know that much. The support you give, whether words or company, it helps more than you know. I'm here for you now, just as you are for your friend. I know one thing for sure, and it's that you are so very important to so many people. Your value is immeasurable, and your friends cherish you. That's why they stay by your side. Why I will always be with you."

You cry harder, his words making you feel guilty for even thinking such a thing. He shushes you once more, rubbing your arm gently. The pool of tears soaks his pants under your head, but he pays it no mind. All he cares about is you and your happiness.

As the minutes pass by, your tears slow to a stop. Your sniffles lessen, and your heartbeat calms, breathing even. Your eyes are shut, a headache settling in from the crying. Somehow, as if he read your mind, he massaged your temple, easing the full pain.

"Would you like some pain relievers darling?"

"Yes, please," you whisper. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that, thank you for being here."

"Don't ever apologize. I love you in all of your feelings. It's my job to be here. Now, I was about to ask what you would like for dinner. How does delivery sound?" You smile, turning to look at him.

"Great." He smiles back and leans down, kissing your lips softly. "Let's get you some water and those pills, yes?" You nod, and he allows you to sit up. Before he gets the chance to walk away, you wrap your arms around him. "I love you too," you whisper. His hand rests on the back of your head, other wrapped around you. Face buried in his chest, he kisses your head.

What you don't see is the soft smile on his face. What you don't hear is the thoughts in his mind, thinking about how grateful he is to have you.

Ok just short fluff hope it was ok, just a reminder that all of you are important and take care of yourselves!

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