Ethan Winters x Reader (Part 2)

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I want more than a little cuddle... But I have to be patient. I don't want to push him too fast, or come off as just wanting sex. I really like this guy, he's so sweet to me.

You take a sip of your wine, trying to ignore the horny thoughts in your head. Although, he is a man. I bet he wouldn't mind more than cuddling too... Oh hush brain! Let things flow naturally.

Ethan laughs at a cheesy joke in the movie, making you laugh lightly yourself. The both of you continue sipping your wine, slowly feeling the alcohol settle in.

About halfway through the movie, Ethan gets up a third time for refills and he realizes the bottle is empty.

"Oh, uh, there's no more," he tells you from the kitchen. You look over and see him holding up an empty bottle and raise your eyebrows. We drank the whole bottle? Shit, that's why I have no anxiety. Wait, no anxiety? I should shoot my shot while I can!

"Ethan?" You ask as he walks back over, sitting next to you.

"Yeah?" He looks to you, his eyes captivating.

"Can- can you kiss me again?" He grins and wraps his arm around you as he leans in. You lean into the kiss, the moment you touch his lips sending sparks through your brain and chills under your skin.

You continue leaning forward, deepening the kiss by licking his lips and gaining entry, your tongues soaking up each other's flavor. His kisses and licks were not shy, and neither were yours. Both of you had wanted this for a while, and the both of you were very pleased it was finally happening.

He leans back, your hand on his chest and neck and his hands on your sides as he lays down flat. Your legs straddle him, feeling something harden underneath you.

The make out session gets more intense as you kiss each other roughly, his teeth biting your tongue and lip as he pleases. You bite his lip back and he groans, making you kiss him deeply once again.

Sitting upright, you pull away, a string of mixed saliva still connecting your flushed lips. You put both hands on his pecs, beginning to slowly grind on him. He closes his eyes and bites his lip, the sensation feeling good to him.

With the mix of being tipsy and the stimulation he was giving through his pants, you were feeling amazing. His hands navigated their way to your chest, groping it and feeling up as much as he could.

After a few moments he raised your shirt up, exposing your bra. He lowered it, revealing your bare breasts and nipples, his fingers pinching and pulling at them, causing a moan to escape your mouth. You grinded harder and he bucked up into you, making you need more.

"Ethan I- I can't wait... I need you." He lets go of your chest and looks up to you.

"And where do you need me?" He asks, a tone in his voice you've never heard before.

"Inside me, please," you whisper. He smirks, his hands squeezing your waist.

"Then let's get rid of these clothes," he tells you. He helps you take off your shirt and bra, and you raise his shirt, his hard abs showing themselves off to you. God damn! Is that what he's been hiding under that jacket?

His shirt gets slipped off, and he flips you over, laying you on your back. Soon enough, you're completely nude and he's in his underwear, grinding himself between your legs. Little moans escape your mouth, and he suddenly stops.

"Fuck, I can't wait," he says, taking off his underwear. He repositions himself once again, his cock ready to impale you. Holy, that's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be.

"Please, Ethan." He looks to you, an unsure look on his face.

"No condom ok with you?" You nod, and he asks something unexpected. "Do I have to pull out?" Does he... Not want to?

"Don't pull out, I'm on the pill. Fill me up, I can take it," you reassure him. At your words he doesn't hesitate another second, driving his tip straight to your core. A loud moan escapes your mouth and your hands grip his back, nails digging in.

"You asked for it baby, I'm just delivering," he teases, beginning to pump himself inside you. Lewd sounds fill the living room, the movie still playing in the background.

Your breathing gets heavier as he keeps pounding you, his cock absolutely destroying your insides without him even trying. He's not even being rough, fuck this is amazing.

Soft groans come from his mouth as you squeeze around him. He goes faster, looking into your eyes as he thrusts.

"Tell me baby, how many times do you want to be filled tonight? I can go all night with a body like yours," he compliments.

"As many times as you can," you moan out quietly.

"Oh, I'm not so sure you could take that. I'm not sure your birth control could either." You toss your head back, eyes rolling backwards at his words, and to add to it, he starts going harder. "I bet you can only take two rounds before you can't think straight anymore." Taking you to the limit, he never slows his pace.

"I'm gonna cum, ah!" You moan, each hit to your sweet spot like heaven.

"Please do, I'll give you mine too," he grunts out. You hold out for a little longer, wanting yourself to finish with him. "Shit, I'm close, ngh- god damn you're tight!"

"I can't wait anymore, I'm- oh god-" Your orgasm takes over, your body shaking with your sweet release. As soon as you began to finish, you felt a warm liquid fill you, ropes of it gushing into your uterus. Your moans get louder and higher pitched, along with his groans as the both of you finish. He slows his pace, catching his breath. You open your eyes to see him hovering over you, looking at your expression.

"Like it?"

"Loved it."

"Great, then you're in for a few more rounds. Ready to go again?"

Sorry I suck at finding Ethan pics... Also he's just... Not attractive to me 😭

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