Wesker x Reader

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Softish (kinda) breeding Weskie (request from -milkystars)

"So hypothetically," Wesker starts off.

"Yeah?" You ask, taking a bite of your home cooked meal.

"How would you feel if we were to have a little one?" You stop chewing, eyebrows raising. I mean, it wouldn't be so bad. We're stable, he treats me well, and I know he'd be a good and present father. But I also could wait...

"I wouldn't be opposed to that," you tell him. His face relaxes into an expression of peace. "Maybe we could in the next couple years."

"That's fine," he responds. "If I were to hypothetically incorporate that into love making, how would you feel?" You hold in a laugh at the wording of his question. Is he indirectly asking me if I have a breeding kink?

"Tell me what you want, baby," you say, rubbing his arm.

"I wanted to try something new, and if you'd like to as well, we can see if you have a breeding kink." That's what I thought, babe.

"Sounds like fun to me," you tell him with a smile. He smiles back, pleased with your response.

"Good. Then come on, go get yourself ready and I'll put the dishes away, yes?" You blush, knowing what he wants. I suppose I'll pick out a nice lingerie set for him.


"Darling?" You hear as he knocks on the door.

"Come in." To his pleasure, he finds you laying on the bed, confident in your little outfit. Immediately, he crawls onto the bed and kisses you deeply, taking you by the throat to keep you close.

"So cute, and just for me? Aw, you shouldn't have." His voice is a low growl, speaking slow and clear. He kisses you again, and releases you, moving down to your neck. "But then again, good thing you did. Otherwise, you'd have to get a little punishment."

He bites your neck, making you let out a breathy moan. The way he sucks and licks at it makes you wet, his voice having the same effect. You run your hands up from his abs to his chest and he catches you by the wrist, stopping his mark-making to look at you with a smirk.

"Now now, little heathen, can't let you run wild on me. Or should I call you an animal, now that you're going to be bred like one?" I have a breeding kink.

"Call me what you please, my love," you tell him, giving him puppy eyes, begging for more of him.

"Hmm," he ponders. "You've been so good to me today, haven't you?" You continue to give him the look and he places your hand back on his chest. "I suppose I'll let you have your way tonight. But that doesn't mean you're going to get out of taking this cock for the next few hours." Hell, I'd be drooling everywhere if my mouth was open.

"Of course," you whisper.

"Oh, so perfect aren't you?" He asks, leaning in and kissing you again. This time his hand finds your clit and begins to rub it through your panties, making you open your mouth. His tongue connects with yours and you moan, getting impatient for him. "You think you're ready to take me?"

"Yes," you breathe. "Please, Wesker, give yourself to me."

"Then you'll get what you asked for. But don't go crying and screaming when you can't handle the inches anymore," he smirks. Unclipping your bra, he tosses it aside and admires your chest, loving the sight of it.

He takes you by the sides and lays you down on your back, pillows supporting you comfortably. Next thing you know, his shirt is gone and you're chest to chest, kissing rough and sweet. His fingers pinch your bud, giving you stimulation as he hovers between your legs.

"Tell me," he says, kissing a trail down your neck. "How badly do you want to milk me until you've been bred, hm?" His lips then suck on your other nipple, making you take a sharp inhale.

"So bad," you whisper.

"Oh come on, louder." He bites your bud, a painful pleasure filling your senses.

"I want you to breed me, Wesker. As many times as you want, please." Your voice is clear now, telling him exactly what you're thinking.

"Mmm, that's what I love to hear." He releases your chest and sits up straight, and you watch as his fingers hook beneath your panties and slide them off. "So cute. Too bad they'd be in my way when I pump you full."

He finds it to be his turn, sliding of his pants and underwear, leaving both of you nude. He positions himself back between your legs, his tip teasing your slick entrance.

"How about we try the traditional way first, yes?" He takes your thighs and puts them around him as you nod. It's rare he wants something as basic as missionary.

"Yes, please, anything- any way you want," you say. He starts to put himself in, smirking down at you.

"That's what I want to hear. Good girl." He forces himself inside, giving you every inch he can, your slick coating his length. He shuts his eyes, giving a growling moan. "So tight and wet, my perfect girl."

Wesker begins to thrust in and out, hitting your spot. Small moans from you fill his ears, and he continues his dirty talk as his pace ramps up. Minutes go by so slow, each thrust feeling like it's lasting forever. You listen to his words and the noises your bodies make together, slapping and squelching filling the room.

"You're just right for breeding, just right for being filled with my cum," he says, making you moan more.

"Yes, I'll take it, everything you give me," you say.

"As you should. You're privileged to take my seed, be grateful. Be proud when I stuff you, when I coat your insides with white." He's going at a fast pace now, ramming into you as he speaks. Your eyes shut as you feel your climax coming close, the combination of his words and pace making you lose your mind.

"I'm almost there-"

"Go on, cum on my dick," he tells you. Your release soon comes, your hole tightening around him as your senses fill with pleasure and relief.

"Oh yes!" He groans, thrusting harder and deeper even more somehow.

"You ready to take it? Think you can hold it in?" You nod, finishing out your high. "If you spill a drop, you'll have to take 2 more rounds extra, and I won't go this easy," he tells you. "Oh I'll make sure you keep this cum inside you, I'll make sure I plant my seed deep." His voice is turning to groans and grunts, clearly reaching the edge of his climax.

You feel his cock pulse and throb, and he groans as a warm feeling fills you up. Holy hell, he's never released so deep, it's like I feel it in my stomach. This is definitely not a usual cream pie...

He stops and keeps himself buried inside as he gently lays himself on top of you, the two of you catching your breaths. He buries his face in your neck, his lips soft against your skin. You decide to kiss his head, despite the fact it might make him feel slightly inferior.

"I could go another two rounds anyways," you whisper. You feel him smile against your neck.

"Then we will, my love. I think you enjoyed that as much as I did."

"Hah, yes. I wouldn't mind nights like this more often."

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