RE6 Leon Kennedy x Reader

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So, this might be kinda cringe, but it's kinda cute to think about so I'm trying it out lol, it's gonna be short tho, this is for shits and gigs

What am I going to do with her? She's a wild one, that's for sure.

"Look!" She shouts, holding up her favorite toy. She buzzes about, her imagination running a million miles a minute.

She's got her daddy's eyes, that's for sure. Cute little thing.

Her blue eyes are striking, stark yet perfectly paired with her skin and hair. Along with this, she got natural highlights, also from her dad.

God, she's just a perfect mix of us. Her personality definitely takes on some sass from momma. Hah, snarky kiddo.

"Hey, c'mere."

"Hiii," she says, smiling big. Her teeth are still growing in, and she's got a funky cute set of chompers. She hops into my arms, and snuggles up close. I kiss her head, her soft and healthy hair brushing against my lips.

"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you," she says, muffled by my arm. How can something so tiny make my heart melt so quick?

"You comfy there?"

"Mhm," she says. She must be tired after running about all day. Maybe I'll get her a puppy. They can keep each other entertained for hours.



"Jeez, tude much? I was just gonna ask what your favorite kind of doggie was," I say jokingly. I begin to stroke her hair, listening to her breathing calm and seeing her eyes close. I live for these moments.

"Mmm... Big one. Fluffy with eyes like me," she says dreamily.

"A husky, huh? Well, we'll have to get the third opinion on that."

"Shhh, sleeping time," she whispers. I laugh lightly at her words, and let her fall asleep in my arms. I'd do anything for this damn kid. She's my lifeline. Well, my second one. I feel so at home with her, shit I might just have sleeping time myself.

I feel myself drift off slightly on the couch as I hear footsteps from the other room. A pair of lips kiss my forehead, and fingers stroke through my hair. After a few moments, I feel a new weight next to me, and a head place on my shoulder.

Our fingers interlock, and I'm finally a finished puzzle. This is everything I've ever wanted. All I want now, and for as long as I live. Nothing will take this from me.

"You pretending to sleep? I see that smile on your face," a whisper says.

"Maybe, maybe not. You didn't take a picture of us, did you?"

"Course I did. You two are the cutest fuckin things on the planet."

"You and your sleeping pictures," I say. A laugh fills my ears, one that I always miss. "Hey,"

"Yeah hon?"

"What if we got a husky?"

"I wouldn't mind, I don't think."

"We'll get one on one condition," I say, wrapping my arm around her. "I'm always gonna be cuter than the dog."

"Hahah," she giggles quietly. "Done deal."

"Babygirl, momma said yes to getting a puppy," I whisper.

"Puppy..." She whispers in her sleep. Hope I gave her good dreams. She doesn't deserve nightmares.

"Daddy's jealous of the puppy we don't have yet."

"Hey, she doesn't need to know that part," I laugh. She kisses my neck, and I hold her closer.

"I love you, Leon."

"I love you too, babe. Thank you," I say.

"Thank you? For what?"

"Giving me a beautiful daughter, and being my wife."

"You don't have to thank me for that, Scottie. I'd do anything for you, and I'm ready to do everything with you. And yes, that includes raising a yappy husky."

Ok there you go I just wrote this as a quickie bye now

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