Leon Kennedy x Reader

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This can be any Leon you want it to be.

NSFW (Breeding)

"Who was that?" Leon asks sternly as a man walks away after saying hello to you.

"He's a friend from college, he just came to say hi, babe," you explain. He straightens in his chair slightly, looking at you with a sigh.

"Alright. Sorry, I get... possessive."

"It's okay, Leon. I love you," you tell him, rubbing his knee with your hand under the table.

"I love you too. So much." You smile and he gives a small one back, grabbing your hand, massaging your palm with his fingers. He then caresses your wedding ring, feeling the metal upon his skin, reminding himself that you pledged to be his. Soon, the waiter came with your food and you enjoyed your dinner and time together.



"Yeah Leon?"

"I don't think my jealousy over that guy has gone away. And I don't think it's going to, not until-" he cuts himself off.

"What, it's okay, tell me," you say softly, trying to get him to open up. You grab his hand, his other on the wheel as he drives you both back home.

"I want to tie you to me, even more permanently. Something more than just a ring," he tells you. "I can't control it." His hand grips around yours, holding it tight.


"Like, I need you to have my baby." Your eyebrows raise, breathing stopping. You thought he'd never ask.

"I think I'd like that," you tell him. He smirks to himself, knowing exactly what he's going to do to you when you get home.


"Bed. Come on." He drags you by the wrist, pulling you into the bedroom and locking the door shut. "You're not leaving until I've bred you, until I'm absolutely sure I have. Understood?"

You nod, liking his new demeanor. Slipping off your shoes, you get onto the bed, watching as he immediately strips off his shirt, revealing his perfect body.

"Like what you see, huh? Well, good thing this body's going to give you the best sex of your life, plus a little more," he winks.

He leans down and kisses you, immediately slipping his tongue in, his hands going for your thighs. He spreads them apart, planting himself right between them, grinding his already rock hard cock into your heat.

After a minute or so of sloppy kisses and grinding, he leans back and smirks at you, your saliva glistening around his lips. His thumbs are rubbing the backs of your thighs, making you even more wet.

"What are you thinking about, babe?"

"Which position is best to shoot cum straight into your womb," he spits out. You choke on air, shocked at his words. He's never said anything like the things he's saying today, it's like he's gone into rut.

"Shit, what's gotten into you?" You whisper.

"Guess I just think about doing that every time I look at you," he responds. "I won't be satisfied until I get what I want, sweetie. You'll let me give it to you, won't you?"

"Y-yes," you stutter.

"Of course you would, my cute little slut. Get naked for me, let me watch you."

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