RE2 Leon Kennedy x Reader

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The road trip consisting of your police academy team had just begun. It wasn't really for work, just for fun to have together before you all left to work in separate police stations. Unfortunately, you were the only woman who went on the trip, but you had your friend David by your side.

All of you took turns driving, and whoever was up next to drive would get their time in the passenger seat. David was driving at the moment, another man in the passenger seat while you sat in the back of the van, alone. Across the isle was Leon, whom you'd only spoken to a few times.

The both of you sat alone in the back, staring out the windows as everyone else conversed or had their headphones in. You turned to catch another glimpse at him, and made eye contact. He was already staring at you. He smiles, and you smile back, being polite. Although, he was cute enough to give you butterflies.

"You're driving after Alan, right?" You ask, deciding to break the awkwardness.

"Yeah, I am," he nods, leaning towards you so he can hear you better. "So, you're with David, right?" He asks out of the blue. Your eyes widen and hands shake, pushing the idea away.

"No! No, we're just friends, I knew him in highschool," you explain, slightly frazzled. He laughs, smiling at your shock.

"Then you're single?" You blush, hiding a big smile as you nod. A really cute guy just asked if you were single? Was that actually happening? "That's good to know. I'd uh, been meaning to ask but never really knew how."

"You can talk to me any time, you know," you offer kindly. "I won't bite." The both of you laugh, his bright smile filling your heart with warmth.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks, gesturing to the empty seat next to you. You scoot over, giving him a place to sit as he hops over. "So, which station are you going to serve at after this?"

"Uh, Raccoon City, actually."

"Then I guess we better get to know each other, you'll be stuck there working with me," he says.

"Really? That's good to hear, actually. I was really afraid of going into the field alone," you express.

"Well, no fear anymore then, right? We have each other now." You look into each other's eyes, captivated and excited for the future. "Hey, you should take your turn driving after me. It'd be nice to have company," he suggests. You nod, turning to look at the front.

A pair of pupils stare at you in the rearview, David keeping a careful eye on you. He's always been like a protective brother, and you appreciated it. Turning back, you noticed Leon definitely saw the look David gave you, his smile slightly faded.


More time passed, and you and Leon had gotten to know each other more, finding that you have some similar interests. Although, he never told you much about his past. Maybe there was a reason he didn't open up.

Soon enough, it was time for Leon's turn in the front seat. He seemed sad to leave you, but you wouldn't be alone. David came to the back and sat next to you, giving you a look with attitude.

"What?" You ask.

"Be careful with that boy, that's all I'm gonna say," he says lowly, looking away.

"I will be, David, don't worry. I'm an adult remember?"

"Doesn't mean you can't get hurt." He has a point, but something exciting was finally happening in your empty love life. There was no way you'd just suppress your feelings, too afraid to be hurt. Liking someone means taking a chance, right?

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