Carlos Oliveira x(?) Reader

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"I hate seeing her with him."

"It's her choice, Carlos. But I know it hurts, bud," Chris says, patting Carlos's back. The company party was going smoothly, except for Carlos's sour mood. Seeing you with Leon attached at your hip, his arm claiming you, it pissed him off. He just wanted to leave, preferably with you but that was highly unlikely.

Slamming down his drink, Carlos tossed the cup away and waved bye to Chris, getting a nod from him in return.

"See you for the mission on Tuesday, Carlos," he says, Carlos waving back as he walks out. You turn your head, seeing him walk out of the door, a slight frown on your face. I wonder where he's going? I guess he's not the party type. You turn back to Leon, and he plants a drunk kiss on your lips.

You kiss him back, his touch like a drug. I know what I'm doing tonight.


"Ready to head out?" Carlos asks you, making sure his gun is loaded.

"Yep. Hey, you left the party early, are you ok?" You decide to ask, being straightforward.

"Oh, yeah. Just not one for work parties," he responds, looking down a little. I hope he's telling the truth.

"Yeah, I figured. They're not for everybody," you tell him, giving a soft smile. His face relaxes when he sees it, and he smiles back.

"Thanks for understanding. Stick with me today, okay?" You nod, and he pats your back. "Anxious at all?"

"I'll be ok. Just jittery, that's all." He nods, empathetic of your anxious thoughts.

"Alright, load up!" Chris says, waving the both of you over to the van. The two of you hop in, Chris and DC getting in the driver's seat. "Buckle up kids, it's gonna be quite a ride," he jokes.

You roll your eyes at Chris's dad behavior as you attempt to buckle yourself, failing to actually click it in.

"Here, let me help," Carlos offers, leaning across to click in the seatbelt. His touch is gentle, careful not to pinch you or your clothes.

"Thanks, couldn't see past the vest," you say. He laughs, shaking his head.

"You get used to the bulkiness."


"Alright, here's the plan. DC and I will search the west wing, you two search the east. If you see anything, I mean ANYTHING suspicious you tell us and we'll be there. I'm not willing to risk anyone tonight. Let's try to get in and out, and find that sample for Rebecca."

"Understood, sir," you tell Chris.

"Keep each other safe. I trust you both, just watch your backs. It's your most vulnerable spot."

"Yes sir," Carlos responds.

"Ok, let's move in," DC says, ending the conversation.

Both you and Carlos split to the right side of the building, quietly and carefully searching each room. So far, nothing of relevance has been located. The earpieces you and the others are wearing picked up audio 24/7, so you all could hear each other without having to deal with a button or radios.

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