Vendetta Leon x Reader

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Ok please tell me if I've written this before, because I feel like I have in some way. If so, I'll delete this chapter, if not, I'll keep it up. At this point I've written so many chapters I can't remember anything I've written anymore 😂

"They brought her into this! Don't you think you could get off your ass and help, if not for me then for her?" Chris yells at Leon, who's just turned to him in shock.

"I haven't seen her in two years, why would she even be involved?" Leon asks.

"Arias just picked her. I don't know why. Don't you even care to find out? Save her?" Leon looks back at his empty glass, furrowing his brow.

"She needs us, Leon. I know deep down you care," Rebecca chimes in. He sighs, and Chris puts his hand on the table, leaning towards him.

"Who would have thought my job would split us up and bring us back together," Leon mumbles. Chris smirks, knowing Leon's on board.

"Let's head out then. No time to waste." Chris and Leon both turn to Rebecca, nodding.


You wake up, sat in a chair with your hands tied. Vision becoming clear, you realize you're in... A wedding dress? Oh what the fuck.

Screens illuminate the room, and you find yourself in a fake outdoor environment, sat at a table. A door slides open, catching your attention. A man in a grey suit walks in, smiling brightly at you.

"Ah, you're awake! Good, good."

"What the hell is going on?" You shout, alarmed. The last thing I remember is being at home, taking a nap. Oh my god. No, no! You start trying to bust out of your restraints, failing miserably.

"If you must know, allow me to speak. My name is Glenn Arias. I've developed a new strain of a virus, one that will potentially change the world. And you are one of the first to take it on in its final form."

I knew this guy was fucking nuts. Virus? What does that have to do with putting me in a white dress?

"Why am I here?"

"You have a striking appearance very close to my wife's. With this virus, I'll easily make you comply to be who she once was. Simple, yes?" Absolutely nuts.

"I'll marry you, whatever, just let me go after, please. I can't be here," you beg. He steps towards you, placing a finger under your chin, lifting it to face him, noses very close.

"You're not going anywhere my love, not this time." OH HELL NO!

You lean back, alarmed by his immediate intimacy. He chuckles and walks away, towards a box. He unlocks it, staring lovingly at whatever is inside.

Staring in horror, your eyes don't leave the severed forearm he pulls from the box, the most prominent feature being the ring on its wedding finger.


"Search the top two floors, try to locate her!" Chris yells to Leon, taking out multiple infected.

"Got it!" Leon takes out a few more to help Chris, and begins to sprint towards the elevator. He takes it to the top floor, spotting something white lying on the floor as soon as the door opens. He tilts his head in question, finding it to be a wedding dress.

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