Luis Serra x Reader

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"Oye! Señorita!" A voice calls out from behind you. Heartbeat pounding in your ears as you halt in your steps, seeing that a man from inside a villagers home was waving you to him.

You dodge a swing of an axe just in time and run towards the house, sprinting inside past him as he shuts the door.

"Are you alright?" He asks. You run to him and jump into his arms unexpectedly, so relieved to see a real human.

"Thank you, thank you so much," you pant into his chest. He holds you close, slightly taken aback by the sudden hug, but he wasn't complaining. "I thought I was alone out here. My friend, Ashley, they took her, and I've been stranded in this place and-"

"Shhh, señorita. I can help you. I'll keep you safe. I think I might have seen someone who was looking for you, too. But right now, we have to hide, these... people, they don't quit," He reassures you, looking down into your eyes and holding you tightly.

"Okay, yeah, let's get somewhere safe." You see a small closet and drag the both of you in there and shut the door. It's tight in here, but it's safe.

"I don't think they'll find us too easy in here, if they even saw where you went."

"Good, that's relieving. I just.. who are you? Where am I? What is wrong with those people?"

"My name is Luis Serra. You're in the middle of nowhere in España, and the people thing is complicated," he explains with a laugh. You sigh deeply, and your breathing is slightly irregular. He places a hand on your shoulder and squeezes it. "What's your name, señorita?"

"Y/n," you say quietly.

"Beautiful. It fits you, you know. " You huff with a smirk, and his hand floats down to grab yours. He slowly brings it to his lips and looks at you as he gives the back of your hand a soft kiss, his scruff gently grazing your skin.

"Thank you. Wait, you said you saw someone looking for me?" You ask curiosly.

"Oh yes, and I believe he grabbed your friend first. Now, I don't think he favors me much, I'm too keen with the ladies," Luis jokes.

"Doesn't matter to me. You saved me, Luis," you say, resting your free hand on his chest. He lets go of your hand and places his on either side of your hips. God, good thinking going into a small closet with a sexy man. If this could be my last day, I'd want to spend it with someone who'll make me forget about it all.

"Señorita..." He whispers. "You really are testing my patience."

"Maybe you don't have to be patient with me," you whisper back. Your other hand snakes up his neck and to his face, thumb stroking over his lips. Luis leans in, and your lips interlock. This is exactly what I need right now.

His hands roam, from your hips to your lower back to your ass, and he seems to like to keep them there. The two of you continue kissing, hearing no danger outside and only the wet sounds of your tongues intertwining.

A light moan comes out of your mouth and his knee goes in between your legs, pushing up against your heat. Automatically your body ignites, slightly sinking lower to put more weight on your sensitive spot.

"Oh, like the feeling do you?" He says in between kisses. "Go ahead, use my body all you want." His words spur you on, and you begin to grind on his thigh, the sensation giving you tingles.

"Mph, Luis," you moan, sliding your hand down lower and lower. With a bit of hesitation, you find his erection and palm it, causing a groan to leave his mouth. I like the sound of that. Wait, just how big is he?

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