RE4 Leon Kennedy x Reader

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Agh, fuck. My head...

You look up, seeing your wrists in metal cuffs, chained to the wall high above your head. Looking down, you see all the injuries you gained trying to defend yourself out of these crazy people's grasp. Wait, what the hell?

Another thing you noticed: your clothes were exchanged for new ones. Silky white fabric graced your legs, you brain putting together the fact that it was a skirt. Your top was a white halter top, the silk creating beautiful pleates that complimented your shape. Oh.. they replaced my clothes because my old ones ripped. How is this any more modest than ripped pants??

The sound of chains from across the room grabbed your attention. A man with long dark hair and a brown jacket stirred, and opened his eyes. His hands were cuffed as well, but instead of to the wall he was chained to... another man.

Who are these guys? Are they like me? The dark man made eye contact with you and cocked his head. A grin appeared, and you questioned his motives. Something was off.

"You're one of the missing Senoritas, I assume?" He asks.

"Maybe. What's it to you? What's your name, anyhow?" You ask, giving slight attitude.

"Name's Luis. I see you're nothing short of a diva princessa, as predicted." He keeps the smile, and you slightly scowl. Suddenly, the man behind him groans, and you see him look up, observing his cuffs and mumble something. This one was blonde and incredibly muscular. Jesus, is he on steroids or something?

He tugs on the chains, dragging Luis. The other man realizes what's happening, and looks around, finally spotting you. You eyed him with the same look you gave Luis, and his facial expression softened. He looked like somehow, he knew you.

Before he could say a word, stomping steps came near

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Before he could say a word, stomping steps came near. An armed man burst in the door, spotting you first. He raised his weapon, and both the men stood to their feet and yelled. Before he released, his attention turned to the chained men.

Within seconds, they had him trapped, and you stared with alarm and frozen with fear as the blonde man used his strength to kill the crazy man with the chain. Once confirmed as deceased, Luis leaned forward and snatched the key from the body, freeing himself.

"Wait!" The other man yelled.

"Sorry amigo," Luis said before shrugging his shoulders and tossing the key to the middle of the floor.

All you could feel was yourself shaking, slightly rattling the chains above your head. The key was in your reach, and out of the other man's grasp.

"Hey, I'm Leon. I'm here on presidents orders to get you home. But, I can't exactly do that while chained up, hah. You think you can kick me the key?" He asks calmly.

Your eyes stare with distrust, and you shake your head. Leon's face grimaces, and you get a slight feeling he's frustrated.

"How am I supposed to know you're telling the truth? You could leave me to die, or just kill me once I let you go. Give me some sort of proof," you say.

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