Vendetta Chris Redfield x Reader

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Fair warning, this won't follow vendetta storyline, just using the characters! This gets kinda gross, but not that bad lol

"Captain, come in!" You shout, trying to fend off a hoard of B.O.W.s as you shout. You're backed against a wall, cornered entirely. Until, the wall opens.

You fall in between elevator doors, scooting back on the floor as you shoot enemies back. The door finally shuts and you collapse, exhausted. As your eyes look up, you find that someone was in the elevator with you. Not just anyone.

Glenn Arias. Smiling down at you, injecting pure fear into your bloodstream. He raises a foot above your head.

"Hey, give me your location!" You hear Chris scream over the line. The foot comes down, swift and hard.

"Oh fuck-"


"GIVE ME YOUR LOCATION, DO YOU COPY?" Chris shouts on his end, running down a stairwell.

"Chris! We don't have time, we need to get the hell out of here!" Leon shouts, running next to him.

"But she-"

"We'll find her, but right now we can't get caught up in this. We have to go," Leon explains.

"You can go, but I'm not getting out of here without her. She's the only reason I'm still doing this, Leon." Chris stands his ground, looking Leon deep into his eyes. Leon nods once, and it's understood that he's here to help. "Fuck, I can't find her location, someone took her watch."

"Let's split up and search the building, she has to be here somewhere." Leon points down the hallway, signaling where he would search. Chris nods, and heads to another floor.

There's no way he got to her. He couldn't have. I only saw her minutes ago, she was fine. She's fine. I'll find her and get out of here.

Chris lands on a new floor, killing anything and everything on site. After slaughtering countless zombies, he searches room after room, only to find them all empty.

She has to be here somewhere. How many god damn floors does this place have? I have to narrow down my search. I'll go on the elevator and look on every floor for a sign of her. It'll save time and energy. The sooner we're out the better.

As Chris runs to the elevator, he hears gunshots from above, praying that it's Leon defending himself. The door opens, and a small pool of blood with a smear leading to the edge is on the floor of the elevator.

Oh god no, please. I can't lose her, not like this. It's too soon.

Chris steps into the elevator around the blood, and stops to think.

I can't panic. Now is not the time. All I have to do is check which floor the blood trail continues, and I'll find her. Arias can't get away with this, he won't.

After checking multiple floors, Chris somehow finds one with a blood trail. He sprints in it's direction, and sees it leads to a door to a lab. With no hesitation he kicks the door in, aiming and looking around. He finds nothing.

Nothing except a man, sitting calmly in a desk chair. Fucking Arias.

Storming over, eyes filled with murderous intent, Chris immediately places his gun barrel to Arias's head.

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