Albert Wesker x Reader

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"Come here, darling." You turn away from your computer to see Wesker standing in the doorway of the lab, clad in his skin tight bodysuit. Listening, you rise from your chair and walk up to him. "Would you be up for... A little fun?"

"What do you mean, sir?" You ask him. His glowing red eyes are filled with sin, and you wonder what you're about to get yourself into.

"Just follow me into my quarters and I'll show you," he commands. You gulp and stay close behind as he leads you to his living area. He gestures for you to take a seat on the couch, and you do as he asks. Sitting next to you, he's turned to face you, and he tilts his head sideways as his eyes scan your face.

"What is it that you'd like for me to do, sir?" He closes his eyes and chuckles.

"Drop the act, darling. Just be yourself. I have a proposition for you," he says. "Do you mind if I demonstrate?"

"Go ahead," you tell him with a nod. He takes out his pistol and holds it in his hand, pointing it down at the ground.

"You see this?" You nod. "It puts a little fear in you, doesn't it?"

"A little, yeah." He takes out the magazine and shows it to you.

"I promise you, it's empty. My question was that if you'd allow it, I'd like to use that fear as excitement. Wouldn't you like to know what pleasure and fear mixing together is like?" Wesker's eyes flick to yours and your mouth parts, slowly exhaling.


"Yes, darling. I'll please you in all kinds of ways, and you can do the same for me." You bite your lip and look at the pistol and back up to him.

"I'd like that," you whisper.

"Good." He snaps the magazine back into place and aims the gun at your head, finger off the trigger. "Then, on your knees."

Slowly, you keep your eyes trained on him as you sink from the couch to the ground, facing him on your knees. He laughs lowly, sending chills down your spine and wetness into your panties.

The barrel of the gun is then dragged from your temple to your jawline, and he seems to have his gaze locked on your expression, incredibly entertained by the fear and eagerness in your eyes.

"Unzip me, go on," he tells you. Your hand goes to the zipper at the top of his suit and drags it down, the fabric parting to reveal his pecs, abs, and eventually his underwear. You look up with a desperate look, and he takes the gun and scrapes it across your cheek and smushes your lips with the barrel, his red orbs never leaving you. "Now, show me. Lick this gun the way you'd lick my cock."

Your eyes go wide and he smirks. He nudges your lips, urging you on.

"Don't worry, I keep my weapons clean. Taste it, darling. Then you might get to taste me." Parting your lips, your tongue slips out and barely flicks the bottom of the gun. "Come on, no need to be shy."

Opening your mouth, you take a big lick, the barrel pointing straight down your throat. Wesker looks at you in a way he never had before, a way he's never looked at anyone. You continue, tasting the cold metal of the gun in your mouth, making sure he knows you're willing to do this and much more for him. He slowly pulls the gun away, dragging it on your tongue and bottom lip.

"Perfect, just perfect. Now, show me what more you can do, but to me this time," he tells you in a praising tone, his voice deep and rich. Wetting your lips, you reach for his underwear and pull it down, his large dick flinging out, fully hard. Leaning forward you kiss his tip, letting the pre get on your lips. He hisses and shoves the gun against your temple.

"Such a fucking tease," he growls. "More."

Sinking down a little, you stick your tongue out and lick up from his base, letting your taste buds run along his veins. You then take him in, coating his member in your saliva quickly. A hand floats up to begin stroking him but a tougher pressure on your temple stops you.

"No hands. I know you can do it, darling," he commands. You let your hand fall and allow your tongue to get to work. His breathing gets heavier, pleasure coating his nerves and seeping into his spine. Taking a breath, you take in most of his member, choking on its length.

He tosses his head back and groans out, and you inch your way down on him, eventually having his whole length down your throat. Wesker's other hand grips your hair and the pressure of the barrel falters.

Without warning, he's using your hair as a leash, dragging your head up and down on his cock, refraining himself from face fucking you. After many tugs, this effort fails.

His hand moves to the back of your head, holding it still as he begins to thrust into your mouth, his pace quickening. Choking noises escape you, and he growls in pleasure at the sounds.

"Oh darling, you're amazing, you know that? No one has ever pleased me like this, never. Just hold on and you'll get your reward," he grunts out.

The muscles in your throat get continuously abused as he keeps going, pumping in and out. With one swift thrust he's put his length into you, and finishes straight into your throat. It's as if he came straight in your stomach, the texture and flavor never even touching your tongue.

He pulls out and sets the gun down, and your hands go to your throat, lightly massaging it. His eyes meet yours and he grins, giving your hair a gentle pet.

"That was fun indeed," he says. "Now come on, let's get back to work. I bet we could both use some hot tea right about now, huh?"

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