Carlos Oliveira x Reader

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"Get over here. Now." Carlos whispers to you, signaling you to come with two fingers. Quickly and as quietly as you could, you crossed the hospital hallway, joining him next to the wall. Down the hall, crawling on the ceiling was a licker, waiting to hear your voices, ready to pounce. Carlos leans slowly, and puts his hand on the handle of the door next to him.

Ever so quietly, he opens the door, finding it to be a janitors closet. It's completely empty aside from cleaning supplies, and he deems it safe to go in. He looks back at you and nods, and you take a step forward to go inside. Suddenly, the door creaks. Carlos's eyes go wide, and the licker begins to run along the ceiling to your location.

You don't hesitate to run in to the closet, Carlos pushing you in by the waist while he steps in himself and closes and locks the door. It's quite a small space, especially for two people when the closet is filled with supplies.

You're backed away from the door as much as possible, and Carlos follows your lead, stepping next to you and snaking an arm around your back, his large hand gripping your hip. Closing the distance, you huddle into his side, eyes shut into his shoulder, your hand gripping the shirt material on his chest.

Outside the door you hear the clacking of claws slowly fading away, the licker still waiting to hear another sound from it's prey. You look up to him, opening your eyes and slightly letting go of his shirt. He looks back down at you, and takes his other hand and places it on your head, his thumb lightly stroking your hair.

"Let's take a break," he says lowly. You nod, and pull away from him. He sets his weapons down against the wall, and seats himself on the floor across from them. There really isn't much room for you to sit with his legs sticking out, and he notices you observing that fact. He pats his lap, beckoning you to come sit.

"You sure?" You whisper. He smiles and nods with a small laugh, and you sit on his lap perpendicular to him. His arm wraps around your back, your head resting on his shoulder while his other forearm rests on your knees. "Carlos?"


"I'm sorry for being so... Clingy. I don't mean to be, I'm just scared out of my mind and-"

"Shh, don't worry about it. I'd never mind a pretty girl like you on my side. Although I know you're strong enough to protect yourself, I don't mind keeping you safe. Just consider me your new body guard," he says.

You look up at him with a smile, and he grins back down at you. You rest your head back on his shoulder, and he leans his against the wall. Your hand finds its way to his chest again, this time tracing shapes with your fingertips on him. You can feel him lightly laugh, and he runs his free hand down your thigh to your waist and rests it there, his breathing calming with yours.

After a few moments, his hand shifts from your waist to your jaw, his gloved hand tracing from your ear to your chin. His eyes lock onto yours, and he leans down, gently placing his lips onto yours. You could feel the scruff on his face, his looming presence, and the moonlight from the small window gracing your face. But most prominently, you could feel the passion burning through his kiss, the touch of his hand softly telling you he wants more.

In his mind, he's hungrier for you than a beast, and he's losing control of his actions. He wants nothing more than to hold you for hours, kiss you until your breath runs out, and feel you reciprocate the same need for him. You deepen the kiss, taking him by surprise when your tongue slips into his mouth, dancing with his. He groans lightly, and you let a light moan escape. Little did you know, it fueled his flame like crazy. You cut off the kiss, and changed positions to be sat on his lap, facing him, one leg on either side of him.

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