RE4 Leon Kennedy x Reader (Part 2)

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"Hey, that's my gear!" Leon says as he stares through the locked metal bars. You jiggle the door, seeing it's locked from the inside. On the other side of the tiny room lies another metal barred door.

"How do you even get in there?" You ask. He studies it for a moment, and stands there stumped. You look to him, and he shakes his head.

"I don't know, let's keep going and see if maybe we can open it somehow." He continues to walk, waving you over to follow.

As you walk along, you find a turnable valve. Taking a chance, Leon turns it, mustering some force into his movements. Damn, look at those muscles work.

"Oh, it's opening the door over there," he says. Unfortunately, he catches you staring off into space at the wall where he stood, thinking about how great his back muscles look through that tight ass shirt. "Sweetie?"

"Wha- huh?" You said, snapping out of it. You looked at him slightly frazzled, and he walked up to you. He placed both his hands on either arm, gripping you firmly to keep your attention.

"Are you sure nothing happened? You seem really lost in thought. It's okay to tell me, you know." He looks at you sympathetically.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry to worry you I was just thinking... How hard is it going to be to get home? I mean, I don't even know where Ash is," you say. Although your concerns were legitimate, that is not what was on your mind at all. I'm a good liar...

"Look," he says with a breath. "It's not going to be easy, but you're both my top priority. When you're with me, know that I have your back." Leon's hand goes and gives your shoulder a squeeze. Your brow furrows and you bite your lip, the danger of the situation sinking in. Slowly, his fingertips drag along your skin to your neck, his leather covered palm giving you a sense of warmth while his thumb traces your jawline. "You're safe," he whispers.

Subconsciously, your hand raises itself to his chest, your hand splaying out on his pec. His firm muscle relaxes under your touch, and you hear his breathing slow. Meanwhile, your heart is racing, and you're doing your best to remain calm.

"Thank you," you whisper. He smiles, and your heart melts into itself.

"Think you can do something for me sweetie?" He asks, his voice still quiet and sexy, the richness in his voice like music.

"Yes sir," you say in a whisper.

"That's the spirit," he says with a wink. "Go ahead and go to that other door and slip in while I hold it open, okay?"

"Alright," you say, his touch falling away as you speed walk to the break in the wall, hopping over and reaching the other door. Once he sees you there he begins turning the wheel, and you wait, trying not to let your thoughts and body get taken over by what he just made you feel. Unfortunately, you were losing that battle.

What was that... What just happened?? Is he attracted to me, or is he just trying to get me to calm down? Oh boy, he's got me in a heap of butterflies and we just met!

Seeing the door open enough, you duck and get into the room, seeing all of his weapons on a table to your left. Straight ahead, you spot the lock on the door and open it for him. He smiles as he walks in.

"Thank you," he says, scruffing up your hair.

"Agh, not the hair!"

"Haha, sorry, too hard to resist," he says, giving you a sideways glance, that smirk still plastered on his face. "Here, take this," he tells you, handing you something. You take it and observe it, realizing it's a small pistol.

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